thats good going in anyones bitch is 12 months and her best is 12 and a long ear.finding it hard 2 get some good lamping ground shes a first cross collie x gray.
you should have asked for a bit of the blanket out of the box that it and the rest of the pups ware beding down on.the smell of the otheir pups should settle it down.if the lad hoo you got the pup of is handy 2 you get round and get a bit of him
go till your chinnesse cant spell lol and as them for thestuff they dont use that what l do and the butchers for the cuts off
is that for yourself or the dogs
yes i use a amber filter its bang on mate (the red one is only good for rats) its my preference good allround filter and you dont get seen using it
thanks mate.was going 2 get a red one. but want 2 here from the otheir lads