they are beginning to swamp US over here in northen.ireland.their everywhere but they haven't growing big enuf balls to start their slobbering yet and they no that they wont get away with it over here.
its so facking sickening.i hope the b.n.p get a good lot of the votes this time round the in Westminster are bucking their own goat and seam to have lost touch with cant keep going on like this.
seen it with my own eyes last year i was fishing for pike and 2 poles came and fished about 30 yards from me i seen them killing a pike it must have been 18 or 20lb.i called them all the names under the sun.i phoned the bailiffs they said not 2 approach them that they Ware on their way.well they didn't come i should have knowing it was a saturday.anyway they got their van dun over and their tyers sliced.they ha vend been seen again.if i had of had my way i would have broken their arms.
yes. i stop lamping and fretting at the end of february or early harm taking the dogs over the fields for a walk and lifting the odd young one thats ventured out 2 far in the middle of summer it keeps the dogs on their toes.
well said lad.i myself have a Hancock bitch.all i want out of her is rabbit and long.ear,and that's what am getting. shes 13 months now and am pleased with her.everyone has their own aider of what kinda dog they want.Ive got mine and shes out my backyard