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Everything posted by all.rounder

  1. he must be a right c**t.
  2. no mate we just bivy out when we go pike fishing its muckno or lough earn sometimes up here in county down Is Crossgar in Co. Down?? Used to do a lot of pikng with a fella from that town. yes its about 20 minutes drive from belfast.not far from me.
  3. good on ye lad.i for one have seen it with my own eyes the killing of pike and all sorts of coarse fish.me and my mate wear fishing oxford island on lough neigh their was 2 poles fishing up from us and they ware killing everything that they caught lucky enuff their was no pike killed but they killed a good size bream about 5lb we phoned the bailiffs and they told us that they ware on their way about 4 hours latter their was no sign of the bailiffs.i think that up here in northern Ireland its only going to be a matter of time before some one is going to take the law into their own hands.every o
  4. niall. i cant remember the name of the boat.but it was about 3 miles past downings.theirs some lads that i worked with last year ware going up to the downings all the time and they wear showing me lots of photos of the tope and the blue shark they wear getting.they asked me up a few times they had their own boat but i never went
  5. no mate we just bivy out when we go pike fishing its muckno or lough earn sometimes up here in county down
  6. lamping and fishing

    1. theferreter


      you any idea mate what date that ballywalter game fairs on mate

  7. well am browned of so here's a few photos of are stay up in donegal last year.we went up their to catch some blue shark but the water was atrocious so we had to fish in the bays.so this is the cottages we stayed in and the boat we fished of we all had a great time.
  8. thats a smart looking dog mate, was the akita the mother i don't know mate.hes a big strong dog about 27 or 28 tts.would make a good fox dog.and hes fast.i will see if i can get any more pics up of him
  9. here's my daughters akita x gray.its a pet and a big soft dog it was never hunted
  10. well lads my 4 mates ware down on muckno on Sunday.they ware fishing away and out off the blue a van and a car full of polls pulled up and got out with their fishing gear and when they set their gear up they went back to their van and got a table out and a lode of drink.and a ghetto blaster.my mate said it was like a Rev.he said they ware all drunk and they ware casting over the top of their rods.so my mates packed up and lift.something should be done about these c**ts.
  11. God were all the same if its not lamping in winter its fishing and keeping dogs fit in summer such great lives we leed. How do our misses put up with us ha ha. Bass fishing is my summer game alright mate.i have never fished for bass before .ware abouts in Ireland do you fish.atb
  12. well i will be doing a lot off fishing fly sea and pike.
  13. i think that recall is the most important thing to learn a dog.theirs nothing like a dog hunting up by its self.my bitch done this the last couple of times i was out.and theirs nothing so fcukin of putting.so i didn't go out lamping with the mates the last 3 or 4 times.but i think i have got it out of her now.she just started 2 do it out of the blue.i think it was the pup in her.
  14. all i had in mine was crab. but supposes its wear you put it i throw mine of some rocks about 20ft out with a length of rope
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