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Everything posted by countryman5

  1. Your an idiot you pal, instead on instigation trouble go take your world beaters out and play on your permission if your not a bullx fan write somthing about colly crosses for all the sad basterds like you Yes i am an idiot of course thank you for yore kind words , world beaters iam affraid not, more versatile than the bullx yes, permission , whats thats ???
  2. cracking pup,looks quite leggy and strong nappa good luck with her
  3. find a freind mister manic poodle lover
  4. nice pup,good luck dont listen to the simples we all live and learn maybe a terrier will be easyer going all the best
  5. cos there full of pit terrier not a social dog in general,but when sorted out cant be beaton allround machines
  6. try somthing small for rabbit,bed cross collie x both would be sound for bunnies but no good for out else deerhound x far to big for rabbits
  7. had one years ago got it to line to a imported bull,never seen a dog put so many turns on a hare,but broke toes badley but was game and took charlie and bill no probs
  8. going to ground,dog entering set.digging on when quarry digs on,breaking through the end of a dig,hole ender lots of fun
  9. wait till its big teeth are through about 6 7 months for rats as for bushing no harm in letting it watch other dogs once its had its jabs,never be in a rush with a pup,best of luck
  10. got the trousers you sweat bad supposed to be breathable like gortex,got a deben coat its been exellent on its 4 season now
  11. stared about 31 years ago,had a russell old sealham type was the family pet,but she often killed rats around the boating lake near where i lived and often chased rabbits when i was out walking with my dad on old railway lines,my grandfather who i never met,kept fox terriers or russels,irish terriers and wheatons got some old photos must have skipped a generation as my dad never hunted,had ferrets terriers and lurchers ever since,had a few spells hunting in the pub for pussy but always came back to my first love hunting with dogs,couple of failed relasionships due to the dogs,but its harder to
  12. dont think the dogs i saw were poor anything but mate,and looked nothing like ped lakelands,it was a lot of years ago when all digging was legal,but you maybe know better than me,i dont think the lads that had them were full of shit
  13. does anyone keep work any fells going back to the n beck strain,saw a couple work many years ago,they tended to be short strong and quite longish in the back,black and tan,not showy at all a bit like the strains of fell that use to get called border/lakelands many years ago,not sure if ward and middletons older stuff was from these lines,just wondered if there was still any of this line still going and being worked,they had no show lakeland or welsh terrier or irish terrier in them and were quite scruffy powerfull terriers and were very very hard dogs that were only for fox to hard for other s
  14. has not set their status

  15. both look tidy hounds mate,is the terrier keen
  16. bullx or wheatenx mate best for fox and the odd rabbit or two,but fof bunnys and allround go 3quarter greyxbull or wheaten 3quarter greyhound,some pricks on here some of the terriers etc look like yorkie or corgi crosses and people reply nice dog super dog i think they may all belong to the same gay club
  17. I will take the photos off then, and post some of the last litters healthy pups instead. why not say this is how pups are reared in algeria in the first place,third world country might treat there dogs that way but doesnt make it right,and youre weird think you could be a serial animal devient,or a clever anti with erectile disfunction either way youre one to watch you are
  18. cheers for reply yes got it new,im going to try it today without the insert silencer you could be right,ive maybe only fired 250 pellets so far,the airarms pellets are spot on and used them in a hw80k no problems,ive only tried the pointed pellets as gunsmith told me they were best for hunting and for gun i bought,im fairly newish to shooting,and aa200tx hc seemed best gun for my budget and has good reviews,the phelem things are only about £7 so a better silencer could be the answer,thanks for reply
  19. be even better on some nice warm shavings and bitch looks terrible mate i think she would feed pups better well fed,ive seen some bad kennels in my time but on soil with bitch chained to a bit of wire round its neck so pups can get caught up,i think theres somthing fishy about you,are you trying to get people to bite by your posts and pics R U A ANTI?
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