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Everything posted by Luke5280

  1. Ye got one of each!

  2. If it were me I'd be looking at a 200/300tdi defender! V8's never run right and disco's rot like hell!
  3. Brilliant pics! Fantastic looking bird! What's with the tail guard/cover? Do they damage easily?
  4. Have a look on ollr.net, it's a forum for old leaf sprung land rovers.
  5. I run a 1952 series 1 landrover everyday, i've put a perkins prima engine in it so it's reliable, it's also propper quick with it being a 2ltr turbo! never paid road tax and only 300 quid insurance fully comp, Will out perform most things off road! Only down side is there are no comforts what so ever! Landrover- the way forward!
  6. well ya missed out there fella!

  7. not much... just wandered like.

  8. Nice looking terrier! Looks just like one i used to have
  9. do i know you superted?

  10. Well done! That's a rare sight that woodpecker
  11. Excellent read! I borrowed a copy off Danny's lad a couple of years ago, really enjoyed it! Wouldn't pay that sort of price for a book tho'!!
  12. It certainly will! although the series 1 will go further!
  13. You have to show all your documents! (tax, test, insurance, v5) they then give you a little card with your details on so you don't need to bring them all again.
  14. This is the only picture i have at the moment. Could use this when i get the new rear axle on it! U'll see it at the weekend anyway!
  15. Best springer i've ever owned! Bit annoyed i got shut of it! Id have another without a doubt
  16. Good shooting! It's something i fancy having a go at is rat shooting, i've had one or two but nothing like what your getting there!
  17. Hey up Im Luke I've been shooting and fishing for as long as i can remember, I have air rifles, a .22 rimfire and a .22-250, also a shotgun. Done a small amount with dogs but not much, would like to get out 'n' about and meet some of you folk and do a bit more! I also have a couple of ferrets, i like to get out and work them when i get chance. My other interests are old land-rovers (i have 3!) a 1952 series 1 " , another 1952 " with a V6 engine and a lightweight. Cheers look forward to meeting some of you soon! Luke
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