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Everything posted by bluetooth18

  1. You can cum with me mate all you need is a good knife and to be fast on the slip!!! I might be interested along with some mates if people could send me further details prices included... Im in Northants!
  2. Well anyone with ferrets in Northampton PM me will drop you the road name it would be funny to see. Ive only got Airrifle and lamping kit for that think im pushing my luck shooting on public land...??? Would be hilarious to see honestly there so many about and no doubt more to come!!
  3. I got a field full of Multi coloured rabbits... I mean really some pets must have escaped and bred with the wild ones theres Jet Black, Fawn and red, all White and White with all sorts of patches its hilarious!! UNFORTUNATELY its right by a road and public land so doubt the law would be too happy with me rocking up and lamping them all!!! Would be funny as hell taking them to the butchers though!!!!!!!!!! Good luck with Thumper! haha.....
  4. Pic 1 - Says 'LIAR Pic 2 - 3 poss 4 Deer I cant beleive its raining and im not out shooting!! Damn need another permission as mine is so intermitant!!!
  5. Cheers dude! Hoping for another outing soon, got to stock the fridge back up! Rabbit starting to sell again in the butchers you never know might be the next super food and we all make our millions ... lol ... Happy Hunting
  6. Evening all, Im new to this site so just thought I would say Hi!! I live and work in Northampton got myself a nice Weihrauch 95K Springer air rifle and looking to increase my hunt knowledge so if anyone in Northampton wants to share then PM me! would be v greatful might even throw in a pint or more... Managed to bag a few bunnies last week after a year or so out the game so was pleased with my come back. Know its not that likely but if anyone has land or large permission shoots and needs an extra shooter then im looking for new places and would really appreciate it. Also if anyone
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