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Everything posted by conshie

  1. took a wee look in only 2 but mite have some more yet i will leve hur to tomorrow then see what happens she is only a wee jill so wasent going to bee a big litter eny wae ATB conshie
  2. went out to feed and water the ferrets today and was greeted by the sound of kits soo hopefully all goes well ATB conshie
  3. mine are due on saterday or sunday its a small jill but she looks big so hopefully will not have a big litter atb conshie
  4. ferret kits dew this week cant wait

  5. well i breed ma ferrets this year because i lost a craking jill last year and i like the wae thay work and the size of them and thay are alwaz turn out grate workers my kits shud bee heer in 3 weeks cant wait for some new workers. ps i never take money of enybody that is going too give them a good working life atb conshie
  6. conshie


    mines is my nickname keeping it simpel
  7. cheers mate lined hur the day
  8. cheers mate lined hur the day
  9. all right guys i was just wondering is it about 42 days for a jill to have kits
  10. mk3 ferret finder and 1 coller for sale open to reasonable offers
  11. just went to pic my new pup tonight littil craking black and tan bitch shud bee a good littil worker :thumbs:
  12. you dont have to mate them pall i have kept jills for years and have not had eny problems with them when thay are in sesson just keep the hut clean and thay shud bee fine atb conshie
  13. had a good day out today fukin shaterd noo time fur a bath mee thinks

  14. terrier john makes well made nets mate atb conshie
  15. been out a few times with john and he keeps top class terriers and thay are a pleasure to watch working
  16. well i have a good mate on here (terrierjohn) and he has a wellknown bitch about here called digger and this dog will do eny thing that is put infront of hur so the answer is yes mate ATB conshie
  17. going to have a bash at some local bunnys tomorrow not been as good localy as last year but this snow maby help me find them to ground will try and get sum pics if i have eny luck ATB conshie
  18. was a good day out plenty more wher thay came from wee will see whats happens tomorrow mate looks like its going to bee frosty
  19. never spend that much on a pet bred dog f**k sake
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