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Everything posted by Moorsman

  1. No rik I'm just welcomin to thl pal dug with him for years but the man as only just got a pc and it's his young an typin for him
  2. Nice one beaver bet you have your lass winding up your key board ha ha and spelling for you but if I don't see you before mate be good be lucky and I no your always happy now tell me about kong and don't forget what I asked cheers mate
  3. How's kong pal I believe you ad a good do to him last weekend skins said it was hell of a place sounds like the keeper was one happy bloke p.s it's about time you came into the 21st century lol
  4. Was about to call but I ain't from Norfolk so I guess I.ve no invite never mind
  5. countrymans weekly very weekly.terrier and lurched show that means anyone with either or both can show there dog or dogs. Now on the other hand if it's a working terrier and lurcher show and you get beat by a fire warmer that's down to a s..t judge or the people they no.p.s I don't do shows
  6. Dessy bell me if you still have the boots cheers 07927684225
  7. Not lookin so much as the yorkie was to hard lost most of her teeth on mice
  8. Once tried matin the best Airedale to best Yorkshire terrier but the Airedale run off with it stuck to his cock.never did find out about that litter.is that the type of stuff your on about.
  9. Cheers lads thanks for the replies
  10. As anyone got a pair of size 8 fell boots for sale right money for the right boots
  11. Spot on pal very nice looking dog keep it up
  12. Sorry to confuse you all when all four Terriers came in for B.I.S. I said to Dave after going over all 4 terriers what my 1st choice was and reserve choice was which we both agreed on and prizes giving out ,only to be told by 2 exhibitors that the red had won best coloured 20 mins later after the event I believe a genuine mistake by Dave not bullying by myself well done to all at show love the craic and pmsl at what is being wrote on here carry on yours Iain thank f**k for that took your time clearing that one up mr d and also didnt see anyone slagging show or judges just pointing out
  13. I never went to the show I was just working off post and pics but if the red dog beat the black one how did the judge That picked it decide the black one was better one maybe two hrs later
  14. Might of missed something ere but how did the black dog in the open show get reserve after being judged 2nd too the red one in the coloured class by the same judge
  15. Think we all agree them are extra special lookin dogs. A real credit to you dingle
  16. Lovely animals smasher and alli really like the look of them. Might have to try and swap my wanky black stuff for some whites lol
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