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Everything posted by Moorsman

  1. Who sells a solid worker? Who sells a solid worker start of season? If he,s over dogged you'll be gettin the one he as least faith in. If he havin trouble at home he'd put it with a mate if it was any good. Just be wary.
  2. Doubled up dogs on rabbit Jesus if it can't do it don't keep it
  3. Brilliant for breaking up the boredom rats,and that's a good tally well done lads and dogs
  4. Good result mate and a tidy looking bitch hope you have a lot more with her atb
  5. Spot on mate and remember if you don't answer the call the farmer will soon get someone else in to do it well done the bitch
  6. M.u knows what works and don't surely. Ok maybe not lol
  7. Cracking bushers mate them rabbits are starting to get stubborn by the looks of it atb
  8. Why have a best entered class at a working terrier lurcher show because it sorts the wheat from the chaff ie the judge should no what he,s looking at
  9. Who won the show or sorry what dog won the show cheers
  10. That's sound mate I ain't feeding them either and I would,nt But if I was into racing animals I,d get horses or greyhounds atb
  11. Terrier racing business dogs that stay half hour or so some of you think that's ok fm ftb and j what the f..k is going on
  12. Took this bitch to be covered on Monday...all went well...she's going back tonight for second mating...i'll take a pic of the stud dog. The stud dog... do either work?
  13. Duramitex pal as said may be hard to get hold of but it's the business ask some one with birds best one with pidgeons atb
  14. You must of got the athlete,s feet as he ran by with the torch pal never knew you we,er scouse have a great show
  15. Just seen this pal along with your black it seems you have a nice kennel fair play to you
  16. Very nice pal like the look of them atb
  17. Terrible insult saying the mans dog is a shirtlifter.
  18. Dig dig third grade english second grade information and down right lacking in respect no I don't keep his line before you ask
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