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Everything posted by brian2k9

  1. if anyone hase any litters coming up that are from genuine workers pm me
  2. thanks mate, a few people have said its to old for the first litter but a few like yourself have sed its fine.
  3. can you give me advice anyone. i have a five and a half year old lurcher bitch 24 inch. i was thinking about taking a litter from her but as it would be her first litter would this be a good or bad idea because of her age??
  4. what type of terrier should i get? i am looking to get a new terrier, i want something that will go through any type of cover no matter the type or how dense, that will work to ground when needed and be biddable and have the brains to work to the gun??
  5. a top class saluki cross will kill more hares than a top class collie cross. they are stamina machines. collie crosses make good hare dogs but when it comes to chase 3 and 4 the saluki crosses lead the way.
  6. i had a bitch that was 23 inch. the mother was an out and out hare killer that was bred to a well bred whippet greyhound. this dog catches 2/3 and 3/3 regular in winter. iv seen alot of dogs this size making good hare dogs.
  7. where does it say 'i read it' have faith mate, if not why dont all 25,000 membes on thl walk down downing street, dogs an all, few slips outside browns door. I LOST FAITH 5 YEARS AGO MATE WHEN 300.000 PLUS WENT WALKABOUT IN LONDON, THE ONLY THING THAT GOT BANED WAS HARE COURSING that was five yrs ago. labour. new people in charge= new policies. the way to go is regstered clubs. as i recall its the posh fox hunting that causes the problem, cruelty, wheres the sport n 50 dogs killing one fox? single dog yes, the beagles rip them to pieces and if the sly fox gets away they dig him outta
  8. i heard that when tories get in the ban will be lifted for registered clubs only. this came from cameron himself. cheers mate
  9. does anyone work there border terriers and how are they getting on?
  10. does [NO TEXT TALK] kno if the tories are actualy gona lift the coursing ban in scotland and england if they become elected ?
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