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bullet stopper

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Everything posted by bullet stopper

  1. can u find out wat books they are and how much cheers... ste
  2. subaru forseter parts needed x4 suspension legs exhaust first 3 bits x4 good off road tyres if any one has any parts ov the aboe list plz pm me ATB ste
  3. cheers pal? hes on fire with rats. not missing a sent or a rat ?i just dont want to push him too fast
  4. now then lads i have a 6 month old lakeland dog ? hes on rats at min at wat age would u put him to somthing else...ATB STE
  5. cheers lads for ur replys ? like a bit more info on a 9 way jab tho
  6. now then lads? does any one no when u get ur dogs jab. does it protect it from wiels disease? if not is there a jab out there that does....
  7. this is my pat mate at 3 months old
  8. good pic mate? shit loads ov rats there. bet it was a right day with the dogs?
  9. now then lads just got a pup from a old man he says its a nuttall cawen does any one no the lines and are they any good its a cracking lil pup tho
  10. now then lasd does any one no were to get brian nuttalls contact number from im after a well bred patterdale bitch
  11. now then lads im after a patterdale bitch pup? working lines only. smooth coat chocolate preferd but would have black if right dog. can any one point me to a breeder or does any one no ov any for sale. would be very greatfull cheers lads
  12. farm boy ring me and i can tell u more about the gun and its history
  13. brabs i can send them over phone mate if u pm me ur number
  14. now then pal try sum neem oil or caster oil after that give it sum advercoat that should sort it
  15. air arms s410 classic 10 shot i bought this gun brand new on the 07/2009 brilliant gun it just doesnt get used any more....its got jagger 3/9/52 field master scopes it also has a afc silancer.it will shoot at 30 foot pound but ive had it turned down by the gun shop to 11 foot pound. which is still good to shoot rabbits? i would also sell this gun with gun bag 6v lamp and pump for £450 any one intrested contact ste on 07922357794
  16. go to www.history ov the lakeland terrier and it will tell u boys all about lakelands history and why they was bred
  17. hi lads im after a patterdale bitch? but i dont no any one who breed good lines. i was just woundering if any one out there could point me in the right direction towards a good breeder.
  18. sounds good ive a 18mth beddlington/patterdale dog which has bolted 2 foxes this year also a 5 month black and tan lakeland dog but im also on the look for a red or black lakeland bitch
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