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About davedavedave

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 18/02/1965

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  • Interests
    Mole catching

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  1. Hi Mole Trapper - yes very similar especially the armouring using bead board and the lid thats fits over the top - I like it ? I might add a lip around the feed shelf like yours to save waste. I use a fence panel security bracket for where the feed come out like this - https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/10-Fence-post-clamp-Security-bracket-Anti-Rattle-Fence-Panel-Security-Free-Post/283339181401?hash=item41f854cd59:g:MEsAAOSwd0BVwdfs:rk:6:pf:0 Cheers, Dave. p.s. I also catch moles when not on the squirrels lol
  2. Hi Mole Trapper. I have spinners which are good but wanted the precision Shoot-N-C targets give for added confidence. So it was just a case of putting a screw into the feeder then hanging the pellet trap on it. The pellet trap is obviously a good way of presenting the targets plus it stops the pellet damaging the feeder/tree etc. Once zero has been established then I simply remove the pellet trap but I could equally leave it up as I doubt I would bother the squirrels - lol. Also the picture gives an interesting comparison between the zero target and the kill zone on the squirrels head
  3. Cheers lads :-) Rez - the ragged hole on the paper target is 5 pellets and I did click windage a couple a times to the right between the shots to get them more central so it might had been tighter had I not done that. However the group is good enough compared to a squirrels head as you can see on the picture. The black targets are Shoot-N-C 1" discs and the group is under a 5p piece which is the yard stick. My feeder is set at 20 metres which is close enough to ensure humane head shots but far enough away not to spook the squirrels as I line up on them. The other shots was me the
  4. Another decent session on the feeder this morning. These 3 squirrels make 30 in about 2 months and bagged the pigeon just as I was packing up. Before the session I zeroed on the top right target so I knew the AA S510 & .177 H+N FTT combo were bang on. atb,, Dave.
  5. If you wonder down this track here you will find some permissive land through the first wooden gate you come to :- https://www.google.c...244c89ca0?hl=en Walked around there the other day and saw quite a few rabbits and some hares too.
  6. Sorry my bad - pics now attached. atb, Dave
  7. Hi Chaps, Finally got round to making my first squirrel feeder - see attached pics. atb, Dave
  8. Hi Ray - looks like you are getting on well with those Talpex traps mate. I read somewhere that a mole runs his complete tunnel system in 3 days but as said above if they are handy to check then more often is better as sometimes you can reset and catch multiple moles from one trap site. If after a few days they trap stops catching and all activity has stopped then probably time to lift the trap. atb, Dave.
  9. £749 near to me:- http://www.tfmsuperstore.co.uk/shop/air-rifles-pistols-weihrauch-hw100k-22-sporter-14-shot-air-rifle-349.html Cheers, Dave.
  10. Cheers lads - I will message Uttings and Bushwear to let me know when they have a set in stock. No I am not the HW 95 chap - I am a pcp man :-) atb, Dave
  11. Hi, Anyone know where I can get one of these in the UK please? https://www.primos.com/products/trigger-sticks/trigger-stick-gen-3-short-tripod/ I already have the taller one which I like and I want to get the shorter version. atb, Dave
  12. Hi mate, are the pics of the feeders still available as I can't seem to load them even after logging into Photo Bucket. Cheers, Dave.
  13. I use one of these:- http://beagleproducts.com/product/run-clearing-trowel/ atb, Dave
  14. If you wonder down this track here you will find some permissive land through the first wooden gate you come to :- https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/Neen+Savage/@52.4144399,-2.4914417,3a,79.3y,354.94h,73.54t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1slw7WAdmoZkuij8Ki5l6jtg!2e0!4m2!3m1!1s0x48706132f3e38e71:0x8495784244c89ca0?hl=en Walked around there the other day and saw quite a few rabbits and some hares too.
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