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Everything posted by alimac

  1. Cut from the middle first and work towards the edges.. Cutting around the edges first although prob the most efficient way, it makes things hesitate on leaving the field & crossing the new open ground.
  2. i went out with a mate and his goshawk once after pheasants.............as soon as they hit the cover they were lost as in my mates words "they are quicker on the hoof"...........these were adult birds mind.......... Tell your mate to take you up to fife, find a certain rearing field snip the net pop it in & you'll see what I mean, watch for the owner mind you know what them fifers are like, afa tight Only ever saw one flying a adult bird, and that was one flushed on a driven day, the cock bird thought he was clever missing the gun line, until he saw the gos behind him, the fecker evaded
  3. A rhody bush!!, as wilf would say, lol lol lol, trust me there ain't no cover good enough or thick enough to stop them killing once there on the floor chasing your poults, I can hand on heart say I'd not think twice if I had the choice of A/ a breeding pair of goshawks working my estate or B/ 30 pairs of buzzards.
  4. You've got to admire there ability as a hunter.. If a buzzard visited, the poults would be bunched up in a corner or similar but there was only 1 thing that made a pen of 1000 birds vanish for the rest of the day, most I had killed in one sitting was just short of 30..
  5. Yep!!!! Good luck with that one Lab when i was away a pair killed 150+ poults in one night, absolutely smashed 'em...the b*****ds soon flew away though.......... I thought Buzzards were more scavengers than active hunters? Suppose if they're hungry, just never seen one on the hunt before Goshawks do not hunt at night accipiters will hunt dusk and dawn like most predators, however don't be fooled into thinking that birds don't fly at night because 100% they can and do. A goshawk will kill,feed then rest up. there not like ferrets and cats that kill for pleasure as well as food. Another th
  6. Why wouldn't you keep a 100% digging dog just because it's got a imperfect mouth? Granted if you've the choice then I wouldn't breed from it but if it's doing the job day in day out I can't understand why anyone wouldn't allow it to see its working life doin what it's bred for.
  7. The best sequence of photos iv seen on hear, what's the chances of catching that happening???
  8. Accept it's got shit ears & f0cking get over it .....
  9. That forestry is ideal for a gos to take up residence in.. The ultimate winged killer , only place I saw them up there was near the tip at the back of Newburgh.
  10. Well here's my penny's worth.. I worked for a pack in Scotland that used about 12 1/2 couple of foxhounds to do fox control days on shooting estates, gun numbers varied between 6 & 60 depending on sizes / area of the draws & number of foxes. Even when your "well gunned" foxes still get past and when the hounds go too, you haven't got a hope in hell of keeping up if they go away on a good fox that you suspect had been wounded by the gun, sounds like fun but the guns can be left behind for half a day while your away retrieving the hounds.. When I was up there a few other lads
  11. No. As you said "it's has ample feeding depth all round the edges"
  12. cheesy??? watson? works for royal mail??do you live in fyvie or outside? I thats the one & only. Spent a lot of time in fyvie helping the keeper out, on the side the Dutch syndicate have.
  13. Our vets our hunt chairman
  14. Never a truer word said !! I wonder some times about "daywalkers" & "hares" Which do they hold on a higher pedestal themselves or there quarry??
  15. I reacon if all the people disappeared I don't think dogs would worry about a ban, lol But mine would be fecked as there all pot lickers, no humans, no pots, no food, end of
  16. Took a lad salmon fishing for the first time on the Tyne, he was fishing behind me through a pool, heard a great splash, turned round to see him face down in the river having a fit, turns out the tw@ had real bad epilepsy, anyway ran up pulled him out, did all the ligaments in my knee, never got a "sorry I should have mentioned my condition" or a "thank you" not feck all. I should have left him to drown, ungreatfull prick!!
  17. Ul know murdo "the snot" :-) Watson ??
  18. Yep only just hearing them squawking in the nests the last few days
  19. Yeah I get that I wouldn't work red dogs around guns either but luckily for me in this part of the world hunt terrierwork isn't carried out like that so I'm free to use whatever dog does the job regardless of colour. When I was in scotland & hounds marked to ground, it was my choice who was & who was not at the hole, if there wasn't anyone I trusted, I'd do it myself. Things go wrong when u let any old fool at a hole..
  20. There is no where in the uk that isn't hunted or shot in one way or another, there isn't these vast expanses of untouched land as some seam to think. I'd say that after the law came in one or two were about, but now?? I'd bet my last penny there ain't any form of big cats around In the uk..
  21. Agree with the above, vermin control is the key if hares are already present
  22. Delete it off your safari , fresh page, google search the site & should come up with full version again
  23. listen to yourself pal i asked you a genuine question-you seem to have taken offence to me calling you COMRADE never slated the breed mate-commented on them costing a bit that was all-you come on here with underhand tactics and try to make me out to be some peddlar-and yes now i am thinking all you red fuckers are the same if you had a problem then why not pm?instead of acting like some little girl-no f****r else here took offence-you just took it as your own little mission get a grip-as for being snared hell no-the guys a prick and the other bum boys that have jumped on his cock-oopps-ban
  24. Aurorus encore if the grounds good, ridden by a mate, so my money's on it/him doing the double.
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