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Everything posted by alimac

  1. Up near we're I stayed there was a buzzard caught on a web cam taking a young osprey off the nest at a fishing complex, they (rspb) said it was a one off, but go fu ck me its only gone and happened again this year, the same nest, caught on the same web cam.. When will the powers to be open there eyes and do something about it!!!!!!! It's on the sga page if u want a look, I'd put the link up but on the phone.
  2. Rabbit & closely followed in 2nd by roast chicken bones & skin
  3. the bay stonehaven Aberdeenshire won it... Indeed it did stig, lived up there a few years ago, foods spot on, but I don't suggest you sit outside the shop to eat them if the winds out the east, unless you want a cracked window from the sea throwing stones over the wall:-(
  4. It doesn't matter , up, down, fast, slow, Aslong as the blade is spinning.,
  5. Haha you've got it in one mate,
  6. We use tac-tic (think that's the name) only had to pick 1 tic all year on hounds or terriers..
  7. Jess do you blow a long tone on the whistle to stop it working then a double pip to get it out the hole? ;-p
  8. Labrador!!, what ever next?? ;-)
  9. I didn't get far, apart from the hound ring & the bar, fannys ran out drink :-( It was nice to see some working terriers at the show.. Lets hope Marcia arranges it again next year
  10. Good turn out, great weather, cleared up with 6 firsts & the championship :-)
  11. He's got some awfull strange relatives :-) wilfs stick making is top class.!!
  12. You can squeak them in at this time of year, but if the fox didn't fall for your squeak I doubt it will :-)
  13. Were taking hounds over so as long as it don't clash with the hound show il nip over fella
  14. Who leveller :-) He fishes & takes pictures of hares dido
  15. Wether it makes money, breaks even or works at a loss, you'll not get a better way of keeping I touch with the farmers over the off season.
  16. Your right enough Scotland in general is stuffed with fur & feathered quarry.
  17. Has anyone that uses there eyes in the slightest seen that everything in nature is behind this year ?? :-)
  18. No iv never hunted with him but a 2 folk I know well & who opinions I trust, did , but I guess that's there opinion & that may differ from others, but there word is good enough for me. Your right enough about the long suffering & very understanding wives of hunt staff, especially those that don't hunt.
  19. I was chatting to a guy yesterday and we were talking about the importance of a good whip . A good whip can surely make a bad huntsman look a lot better. Do you all think good whips make better huntsmen ? I know, I know ,Whats with all the question but the mrs wont talk about hunting anymore so i'm stuck with you lot Yep they certainly can, like wise a poor whip can make himself, the huntsman & the hounds look bad. A whips job is to be every where & to do everything all at once, I never envy the poor feckers, but those that keep there eyes and ears open & there mouth shut will b
  20. Huntsman that make too much noise drawing a cover to me shows he either likes the sound of his own voice or his charges need encouraging to draw, yes its fine sometimes if scents bad or it's late on in a blank day, but a good pack should be itching to get to the cover to find there trail & find it on there own, unless there that sharp that the trail layer needs waking up before he gets chopped.. Like wise a huntsman that's in a hurry to lift there heads at a check irritates me, for a pack to become quick at correcting at a check they need to do it on there own or they won't learn a thing,
  21. That's because instead of 6 - 10 keepers on a estate they now only have 1 or 2 working the same ground.. It's a fact, un keepered land goes to feck!!It's what makes this site what it is, folk trying to argue the toss about things they simply know nothing about :-)It's no wonder keepers want to blame everything including BOP for losses when it took 10 keepers to do the job of 1. What a strange industry it is. Wanting to kill all predatory wildlife so fat gunmen can share each others land and shoot pet birds for free. It really is a f****d up sport. Your digging a bigger hole here bud. Less kee
  22. That's because instead of 6 - 10 keepers on a estate they now only have 1 or 2 working the same ground.. It's a fact, un keepered land goes to feck!! It's what makes this site what it is, folk trying to argue the toss about things they simply know nothing about :-)
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