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Everything posted by alimac

  1. il eat hay with the donkeys if there ravens.... cant see it being right that theres 13000 in the uk either.. unless they have moved into urban areas.. because up here on the edge ofthe cairngorms there aint that many, a few right up on the tops,, wheres the pictures of the parent ravens then ??? any one know
  2. imo people think that the bigger the head the harder the dog. :blink:its a load of s..t , they have been doing the job for hundreds of years with out adding any staff blood etc, as the saying goes "if it aint broke dont fix it"..... ps like the look of yours on your other post..
  3. stop being so impacient (sp) its still a pup, give it time to mature, we were all as mad as that when we were young... mine didnt stop coursing the terriers till it was nearly 2, never hurt them but yes im sure it pissed the terriers off...
  4. dinner time, sorry about quality, taken through binos
  5. my mates ex blonde took them, theres a set of 6, right from when it breaks out of the wood at the bottom of the park, and a cracker when it realises theres 2 black uns running towards it from where it wants to go , its eyes are like then ....... been waiting for her to copy right them before i post the set.. only problem is that iv been waiting months and months already
  6. no one out working there dogs at the moment, so when i was looking through my photo album and saw these i thought id post them to wet your appitite for the season ahead ...thats the irish season of course.... there photos of photos as it was pre ban and pre digital........
  7. if i was a betting man id go for the last one.. :whistle:
  8. yeah mate , Tiger Mason not interested , if it was anygood , id have heard of it ,cos i know a lot of people, all he scotch lads i know from , stirling , aberdeen , caithness all keep english stuff and they have some decent animals come on tyson you make such bold statments about scottish dogs yet when someone comes up with a replie , all you can say is not interested
  9. tyson, wake up pal, how can you say, its called giving stick back???? its 6 of one and a half dozen of the other....... if hes rasist by calling travellers scum or what ever he said then your no better by coming back with the replie you did.......... you were both like a pair of kids.... you and gale force both need to wise up..... would be interested to see how many people actually think what either of you said is racist, cos i for one dont think so................................
  10. alimac

    I love ewe

    molly iv got a book some where on how to break a dog to stock, looks like you need it... ha ha
  11. what partridge poults ??? iv just got my day old ducklings and don't get my pheasant poults for months no pheashants,start shooting first week in october, get the rest first week in july and parts last week in july...
  12. has the hunt never ended up in his farm yard???? would be fun !!! :whistle:
  13. well the years preperation is all done . i hope. if not its going to be in the morning. my first birds are arriving at last!!!!!! any one had theres already ?? will take a couple of pictures tommorrow when were putting them to wood, just to make your mouths water and your fingers twitch all you poaching b""""""""ds out there :whistle:
  14. agree with all of the above..... iv heard on the grape vine that some travellers are going to start selling bitchs with pups when there about 4 days old, what a stroke of luck it would be if they had docked the tails etc.... :whistle: personally i will take the risk of going to court by docking any future working terriers or spaniels i have.. no one is going to tell me its benificial for the dog not to have it done, cosmetic docks practical docks will be interesting to see what happens when the first person goes to court and stands there ground with a decent brief...
  15. brockenleg and highlander tell them nowt, cant have all these southeners taking all our sport.. it takes a dog with good ginger genes to hunt them out though.
  16. alimac

    badger cull

    bet you cant wait,another quarry you failed dog boys can mass murder. I think he's busy sucking cock for a living ! :whistle: think you have got it right there...
  17. You wont be dissapionted mate,they are a handfull but lots of fun,they push you a lot and i can imagine over the next few months having to get quite firm with her as she i testing me now but nevertheless they are a joy to be around with bucket of natural ability (that may be in these pups good breeding hey alimac ) you got it right there,,,, ha ha will post a picture of the one i kept back, when i get a chance.......
  18. got a head mounted, flip up, gen 2 plus, cyber eye night vision,pbs7, caught alot more foxs with it than i would of with out,a class piece of kit with the infer red filter for the light force 170..
  19. alimac


    ferretlove and bigeddie.... yes i was really proud of myself that i was able to come up with the brain wave of removing the said rabbit from the net, strike over head with blunt instrement.. .. he is new to ferreting and i agree knows nothing, so your all saying now that he is armed with the knowledge of how to kill the bunnie after its been netted its all sun shine and roses for him to go out and work them:laugh: what about the rest of the knowledge they need before you go out ferreting??? if he had this from reading a book then surely he would of read how to kneck a bunnie?? i f
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