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Everything posted by alimac

  1. sometimes when antis say us hunters are heartless folk i normally laugh, but reading some posts on this and the other thread is beyond belife........ its not about the rights and wrongs of wether or not they should of left the kids unattended!!!! after all does that deserve for there child to be taken from them and prob murdered.....no....and if any one came up with yes then words cant discribe what that makes you... if one of your family members had been in the same situation, your telling me you would be on here spewing shit like you are about the mcanns... i think not..... for all
  2. alimac

    Kate Mcann

    f*****g listen to your self you bunch of tits.......... your all jumping on the good old press wagon... just like people did with hunting..... like them all you know is what the press machine has told you..... and we all know how good they are at telling the truth
  3. alimac


    should be ok, the fence will be going through a control unit anyway
  4. first start by putting a few hand fulls next to your bins, with a few hand full of quartz grit, then after a week of doing this put 1/3 wheat to 2/3 pellets (mixed in your bins), then next week put 2/3 wheat to 1/3 pellets(mixed in your bins) then all wheat there after.. make sure you put grit next to your bins, the birds need this to crush the wheat in there gizzard (sp) like the pheashants they may wonder a little during this process but shouldnt be to bad if there is still some in the pens... alimac
  5. would like to know that too.... or you mean 20 odd had read his ??
  6. 1/2 brothers to yours they are alimac, hows yours coming on superb.... both are retrieving, sitting, and recalling well, got the farmer to leave some sheep in the park next to the house. handy, had there first kill the other day, a house mouse, does the bitch belong to young r ??
  7. thats what i thought too all the best finding good working homes, or even a rossette hunting home..
  8. imo you wont dress a deer neater by cutting around the bone, i always cut/push through with a heavy bladed knife using the palm of my hand as the preasure provider, obviously younger deer are much easier to do as there bones are alot softer... are you a pefectionist or is your gamedealer a freak ??
  9. alimac

    UFC 74

    but what did you think of the sobrel (sp) fight .. the boy looked well battered... what do you think will happen with him holding the choke after the tap?? i know there was a bit of agro in the pre match with the t shirt etc but still im giving him the your right about randy , hes
  10. alimac


    pointless repeating previous posts nearly couldnt see the dog because of the glint from them SHINEY new fenns you have out weathering
  11. alimac

    stolen fox trap

    think he missed printed a bit of his thread, he ment if its not back by first light tomorrow etc etc you light fingered fecker
  12. looks like a pot licker , just like that sprocker you got only kidding mate hope they both do well for you ali offers still here for a day or two out, just got 600 partridges yesterday
  13. works well, but my vet gave me some yellow liquid sheep wormer this year,not sure of name, app panacure dosnt do all forms of worms that a pheashant can have.. but iv personally have had no probs using it in the past.... 1 ml to a litre
  14. i also feel it is my duty to try to educate people like your self, to the ways of keepering .... even a keeper is entitled to a tea break , i just choose to have a quick look on the site during mine my percentages will be there come the end of the season,,,.. wish you all the best foxdropper alimac
  15. haha shame he has had his address printed on a hunting site..... i know what id be at if they lived in the same are as me
  16. zap.... im glad things are going well for you mate, hope you get a good bit of sport in return FOXDROPPER you seam to have gone a little quiet on this thread?? thanks for repling to my pm... not..... atleast i had the manners to return the one you sent me
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