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Everything posted by alimac

  1. i heard about it too someone slung they jacket over the box blocking the exhaust which routed the fumes into the box. each to they own but id rather be safe then sorry that's why mine is on the front box full of tools on the back.Anyone that leaves a stationary bike running when hunting or digging need there head examining!lol i can not be arsed no more glad theres some one else with a bit of commonnever said the bike was left parked up Mr know it all. i forgot you know it all lol what a bunch of foolsSo being Sherlock I'm guessing your saying it happened when the bike was moving.!!!??? Go b
  2. i heard about it too someone slung they jacket over the box blocking the exhaust which routed the fumes into the box. each to they own but id rather be safe then sorry that's why mine is on the front box full of tools on the back. Anyone that leaves a stationary bike running when hunting or digging need there head examining!
  3. If there's any flavour to mine they normally give me a slap & run like feck ;-p lol
  4. The whore should rot in hell !!!!!
  5. Because, at the crack of dawn birds will come off the roost, go to the bin & fill themselves up brim full, then proceed to pish off on a wonder for the rest off the day. When they hear you whistling on the feed ride, they don't have a reason to fly back to the ride as there crops are already full. Hand feeding works because it relies on keeping them hungry, if there not hungry it won't work. Simple as that.... It's such a fine line between success & failure, because if there too hungry they will just feck off, if there too full they'll feck off too, just a little slower :-) get it rig
  6. Every bin you have out will reduce the effectiveness of hand feeding & it's ability to hold your birds.
  7. Had a 3ft dig to a winged partridge, luckily I said before we lifted the turf something wasn't right.
  8. Lose your bins , buy a bucket & hand feed.. It will work better than any additive .
  9. Barley not wheat for ducks. Aniseed oil does work, feed half your ride with & half with out, for a week, & see for yourself. But as has been said it ain't a mirical cure for lazy keeper syndrome..
  10. Well got myself the monsoon 2 jacket & trousers.. On par with the Swazi stuff Iv had & its less that half the price.
  11. 800 brace with a team shooting double guns maybe.
  12. I think it would be a much more popular thread if you posted it in the lurcher section :-) Busy old session that is !!
  13. Never seen one & would like it to stay that way :-)
  14. but surely the content of the book will lead you to make a judgement about the author, not everyone will like certain styles the same as with the internet Not really, none of the books Iv read are full of fact & advice etc, which is what I'd judge a author by, the books are just like story time, am I bothered if its not all true? Not really aslong as its a good read I'm happy.
  15. As for authors , I buy there book to read for a bit of light entertainment not to judge who ever wrote it. Anyone who does different is a bit strange in my eyes.
  16. He's that good he can do it standing on his head ;-)
  17. If they have a good prey drive then nothing else enters there head, but no I doubt they have any sense of the danger of jumping out a truck at 50 :-)
  18. We went hunting today, chased a hill runner dragging a stinking rag, It was wank. The end ;-)
  19. Both I think mik, who ever it is has had his & his mates areses out, 6 flights, 2 geese. I was going to see if u could sort him out but he's back tommorrow. Think he's back up in a month or so, swap a morning on the geese for a day on his syndicate that I fish on the Tyne.
  20. The useless get not started yet ;-) the lad I fish with on the Tyne is up Montrose on the geese next week, il tell you where he's going to be & you can go put out a gas banger :-)
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