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Everything posted by alimac

  1. Give your head a rattle, we're looking to breed good working dogs not win a f***ing kc show. Get a grip!!
  2. I made one out of a fork, it's done 10 seasons & still going strong.
  3. £ your having a laugh surely? Does it dig the hole for you?
  4. Why does it matter what we think?? If its bred from working stuff the mix shouldn't matter either?!
  5. The top & bottom of it is if your up to no good & blow hot air up your own arse either on the forum or by pm , email of what ever else, by telling ANYONE what your up too, your a mug, plain & simple. Those who sing loudest, usually sink first..
  6. Got a good amount of woodock and plenty of snipe where i shoot, very tricky bird to shoot! I really enjoyed eating it, and of course didn't share, because simply there isn't enough meat on them Nope removed all the guts! Cooked it in the oven slowly wrapped in bacon and foil, mhmm! Chicken!!!!! Sounds rank but if you can get your head round eating half digested worms, it's not as bad as you'd expect.. Very pretty bird aren't they!
  7. The only smoke grenades I saw was the tools after the match making us look like right wankers #ashamedtobeageordie :-(
  8. There goes a prime chance to make them answerable in a court!!! Why did you just send photos to the RSPCA??
  9. It would have but the colour & as you say the pearling will make it fall short I'd think..
  10. I think on most small shoots when there driving around in feb/march they think they have a lot more cocks than hens but if they spent a bit more time looking I'd doubt the figures would be far apart. A cock stands out to the eye a damn sight easier than a dull hen bird.
  11. I'd be very wary as each force area seam to very different in the way they see the law.
  12. But on the flip side the lads going to struggle to find enough to bring on 5 young ones in the same season.
  13. Snatchbullet, il put this as simple as I can "go bury your head you clown" my eyes lead me to believe this is a section for discussing "working" terriers?? Just answer me one thing, what's more respectfull / sporting A/ your mr know it all mate rearing birds to be shot for entertainment OR B/ lads in the past digging to a fox & letting it see another day F@cking knob !!
  14. Collars IMO only have a place in about 0.5% of disobedience cases & 99.5% of owners haven't got a clue on how & when to use it. It's far from a magic fix as its been said its a very quick road to fecking a dog & it's relationship with its owner.. Good luck..
  15. Shot at Whitfield years ago, k2, oh my god what a place!! Great day till we went to the pub after & a double decked sheep transporter came down the hill & cowped over the bridge. If your pigeon shooting is as good as that then folk won't go far wrong. Sodding expensive stalking though.
  16. Aslong as its not a fanny who had a 5 page "I'm leaving" thread then I'm not bothered :-)
  17. lowry your full off shit you have been breeding shit stock since ya went to Ireland and selling pups for 150 a pop off mediocre stock im sure every stud dog you used was five or six year old Ouch !!
  18. Only those in the know had, lol. But on a more serious note I wish Ryan all the best after being airlifted from Hexham today. A sound lad who's as keen as they come with the dogs.. Get well soon chap, we're thinking of you..
  19. It was with your lot that Iv been out with down there, it's alway good but fecking hard going!!
  20. Aberdeenshire in general is hard on the arms but the hardest going iv found is in parts of gloustershire (sp?) the easiest going by far is fife, it's like digging compost.
  21. Yeah its a fair old bit of reading. No iv not mate, if I don't get any decent offers il get them put in.
  22. 187 editions for sale in the miscellaneous section.
  23. 187 editions from 1989 to present, 12 years in folders, open to sensible offers
  24. Mad al, iv read so pish on here from some real grade A wankers but you take the biscuit.. That's my opinion & that of everyone else, so i guess that makes it a fact..
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