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Posts posted by alimac

  1. Things are good thanks, was up at trickys shooting in jan, was good to catch up with everyone.

    Gave dh's dogs some great days there, up behind gallowhill farm, in the gorse & rash, he should say yes, esp at this time of year.

    They do big days @ the cabrach, ferreting am & walk up pm, shooting 100 ish, sure they'll do training days, money for nothing.

    Hope alls well, say hello to g


    It's not all walk round and shoot things and drive round on a quad bike. Since the start of rearing last April to now I can honestly say I've only been for a walk round with the gun once. There's always jobs to do and when the chicks are in the brooder hut Lamping goes down the list aswell. I'd have a long hard look at the reality of it before you fall for the romantic image of a gamekeeper

    very true :thumbs: on beaters day we were sat having a drink and a couple of the beaters said to me "well that's it Dan,end of a long season" my reply "aye and at the stroke of midnight another f****r starts"

    So so true fella ..


    IPapers stop any old knob head breeding off shite ie. puppy farmersMore fool you for buying a dog with no papersWell done

    More fool you for thinking those papers mean your not buying shite, they paper work is no guarantee that the dog you buy is what the paperwork says it is :no:

    Fake kc papers are more common that Labradors these days!!! The kennel club have f****d up endless breeds over the years, shower of cnuts

    • Like 3
  4. Given a few bits and bobs to lads, first time Iv paid for anything was nearly a month ago, from a member who has a good rep for selling certain gear & heard nothing, he's not been on since the day I put money through, so my Moto is now buy sod all unless its face to face.

  5. get yourself a swazi

    I had a ray mears Swazi jacket, the only thing I'd rate higher on them , compared to the ridgeline monsoon2 is the cuffs, and for the £200+ price difference, il happily stick with the ridgeline.

    IMO you'll not sweat in it if your pigeon shooting or stalking. As has been said , ridgeline sizes are small.



    Seems kind of crazy to me to base an opinion of the breed on a single video. I've never owned one. I know some folks who do. They use them in parts of the world for digging to badger.... The ones I know of stay and bay barking their heads off until they dig down to the dog. They then drop in one of their grittier terriers at the end. I have seen other guys using them on their own. Like Mosby said... there are some tough ones out there. I'm curious about them and would like to have one.... but my uses for it would be VERY limited so....guess I'll pass.

    Why stick a grittier terrier in once you've finished the dig?? Is that because the "first" dog is barking its head off, 6ft away from its quarry?? Lol lol lol

    Did you perhaps miss the part where I said.... THE ONES I KNOW OF STAY AND BAY BARKING THEIR HEADS OFF UNTIL THEY DIG DOWN TO THE DOG? :blink::D
    How ironic !! I didn't mis read, I even put words to that effect in my post.. I was questioning why they put a gritter terrier in once the digs complete, or did you mis read that bit ?

    But anyway, re reading it again, I'd say they'd be happier if the dug to the dog & it's quarry :-)

  7. Seems kind of crazy to me to base an opinion of the breed on a single video. I've never owned one. I know some folks who do. They use them in parts of the world for digging to badger.... The ones I know of stay and bay barking their heads off until they dig down to the dog. They then drop in one of their grittier terriers at the end. I have seen other guys using them on their own. Like Mosby said... there are some tough ones out there. I'm curious about them and would like to have one.... but my uses for it would be VERY limited so....guess I'll pass.

    Why stick a grittier terrier in once you've finished the dig?? Is that because the "first" dog is barking its head off, 6ft away from its quarry?? Lol lol lol

  8. Funny how theres a few on here decrying the vid that liked call out dogs the other week lol.Another novelty earth dog breed thats better off trailing deer .Might want to split this forum into solid type earth dogs and five minute wonder dogs some of you seem to keep .

    Your like a dog with a stinking bone !! If Iv got to point out the bit of the video I felt was wrong, then your dafter than I thought you were.


    york guns were selling 410 pistols

    yea they were and they were [bANNED TEXT] they called snake gun,double barrelled under an over with short barrels. Too short for dispatching a animal in a dig. Imported from the states.the barrels are so sort you cant shoot anything from 1foot because of the spread. Saw another 410 pistol tho that was a old fashioned horse slaughtering gun the barrel was about 12 inches long. This was a very efficient gun when the dog was lifted but didn't like it if the dog was fast to the quarry would rather the 22 then.

    Never needed to dispatch anything from more than 1ft so short barrel & huge spread wouldn't make any difference

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