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Everything posted by reynardhunter

  1. My terriers have gone to pastures new Carl, i would have entered, i still have my smoker if you need one for the comp, let me know ps, i,ll donate a score as well,
  2. Had my 5mt old bull x pup out today, gave him a few retreives with a rabbitskin dummy, he came back to me with it each time, i was really delighted with this as he has only had the dummy in his mouth twice before today, i also had him in among some horses, no problem there either i know its early days but he is doing well http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t287/re...er/Brock003.jpg http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t287/re...er/Brock005.jpg
  3. Fred West had a plummer terrier, took staggs no problem
  4. your definitly turning into the Arthur Daly of the dog world lip
  5. hello Knack, welcome to the site
  6. try Irishlurcher on this site, i,m sure he will help you
  7. exactly what i was thinking but the dogs wre good
  8. nice pics, is that beer in the ferret hutch?
  9. i live in the republic of Ireland and i,m looking to join a deer hunting syndicate, i held a deer licence a few years back and was in a syndicate shooting in Co Loise on the Sleive bloom mountains, I would love to get back into deer stalking, any area, I would be grateful for any help, Thanks
  10. I suppose if the buzz is not there any more then whats the point Hope it never happens to me
  11. lovely pup mate heres my 5mt old bull x http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t287/re...-01-2009008.jpg
  12. Yea i think vanity gets the better of some lads on here, members of the swollen head brigade!
  13. Truely sorry Georgia lol my mummy is comeing to get you lol FlashBox.htm try this one, especially for mum
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