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Everything posted by Tommy.H

  1. Can you post a couple of pics please?
  2. Guys I have a vintage leather cartridge bag. I keep it in my wardrobe and try as I might it keeps getting covered in a very light grey mould. How do I get rid of this for good without doing any harm to the bag? Thanks
  3. Thanks guys. I suppose my thinking is that if he has a light gun I could take it with me on some rough shoots and not have to carry the 686. A small aside what is the (Banned Text) thing about in my original post?
  4. My eldest son (16) and I both shoot clays. I have a 686E Beretta 12g and he has a Winchester Select 2 12g both are 30". We are considering starting his younger brother (12) but he finds both guns too heavy. I don't want to start him on a semi despite the weight advantage as I want him to learn safety first and I think there is more chance of him making an error with a semi than there is with him starting on a lighter 12 or 20 gauge but I have no idea about 20 gauges or where I can get my hands on a smaller 12g. A [bANNED TEXT] had a 20 Rizzini built on a 12g but that was years ago. Any suggest
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