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Everything posted by Tommy.H

  1. Looking for a stand similar to this one but without having to sell one of the kids kidneys. http://www.intershoot.co.uk/acatalog/Freeland-Bipod-Scope-Stand-517.html PM me if you have anything. Thanks.
  2. A very good friend of mine turns 50 on the 25th. I would like to get him a really good knife preferably hand made. If any of the talented bunch of knife makers here have anything ready or just about finished please PM me with details. As stated in the title I would need it up here in Glasgow by the 22nd. Thanks
  3. Is this unlocked? If not what network is it on?
  4. Any chance of a pic of the damage?
  5. I was speaking to my brother in law in Canada when I mentioned I was out on the pigeons the other day and I was freezing sitting in the hide. He mentioned Arctic Shield. I had never heard of it but he assures me that a lot of the guys he works with all use this stuff. Canada hits temps that make our cold snaps look tropical in comparison. Any of you guys have any of this stuff or know anything about it? Stuck in a few of links. http://www.bkkenterprises.com/products.asp?cat=1 http://txfowlers.com/ARCTIC_SHIELD.asp http://www.deergear.com/catalog/product.jsp?productId=155834
  6. Seriously impressive mate. Now have a new appreciation of what is involved in this new batch of blades. Very much looking forward to seeing the finished item. Well done.
  7. You thinking of Duracoat? http://www.lauerweaponry.com/ Looks the business but seems to be as rare as rocking horse s*%t in the UK. Researched a couple of products but here in the UK we seem to have bluing or nothing. Was hoping someone may have tried something and could recommend a specific product so I dont throw my money away on some useless c^&p. Cheers BTW
  8. It appears to be flat but where the cleaning agent was is now a deeper mat finish, if a little mottled. The damaged area looks rough but is still smooth to the touch. I have a mate who is great with an airbrush but I was looking for a recommendation of what to cover it with. Thanks for the reply BTW Pics are a little behind as my camera is missing and my phone cant pick up the detail.
  9. Looking to get some spare O rings for Hatsan Escort Luxano 12G. Only found some on ebay at the link below http://www.ebay.co.u...#ht_1793wt_1396 but I have seen posts in a few forums that mention getting them for pennies from plumbers merchants but when I have searched I don't have the time to trawl through thousands of different types and sizes that are near but never exact. Anyone know where I can get some cheaper? A link would be great. Thanks. TH
  10. Just bought a second hand hatsan escort luxano. It came with two barrels, 26" and 28". The finish on both barrels is damaged as is the black finish on the receiver. The previous owner put some kind of cleaning solution on it and tarnished it. It was going for a song so I bought as the rest of the gun is in mint condition with virtually no use after he damaged it which was not too long after he bought it. Have any of you any experience in repairing this sort of damage? Looking for hints and tips and recommended products to use. Bought this as a hide gun so will tend to use the 26" so I am happy
  11. Think I will head down to Glasgow Field Sports and get my hands on what's there. They have not a bad selection and may even head over to Bush Wear in Stirling. I think hands on and then searching on the net is maybe the way to go as now my head is swimming with makes and models. Thanks
  12. The Ridgeline stuff looks top notch but seems more suitable for cold weather conditions. I will be out in cold weather for sure but I was thinking something lighter and I will layer up if necessary so I have the option of wearing it milder days also. Thanks for the replies BTW.
  13. Hi guys, I am looking into getting myself some new gear. It will be used mainly out on decoying for pigeons and some rough shooting. Both these brands offer very similar outfits but deerhunter stuff seems to be the more expensive. Is the extra expensive worth the money? I was looking for a jacket, trousers and some concealment stuff in camo and quite fancied the Jack Pyke English oak stuff. Your opinions will be much appreciated. Thanks
  14. Free you say! Seriously how much do you want to sell this when you do not get back to people?
  15. http://shotgunchokes.co.uk/index.html
  16. This sort of thing? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/9-hole-boot-zip-leather-zipper-zip-it-lace-/280692660054?pt=UK_Men_s_Shoes&hash=item415a961756#ht_500wt_1156 http://www.patrolstore.com/Magnum-Boot-Lace-in-8-Eyelet-Zipper-p-11453.html
  17. Posting these to help out patterdale333. Hope it goes well for you [bANNED TEXT].
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