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Everything posted by chriso

  1. Got my first bunnies this evening - never even had to wait till late I managed to secure permission on a farm just up the road that has plenty of bunnies bobbing about, I even managed to try a few shots when going for a look around this afternoon. Once I get Zinis dvd's I might find out why I missed so many shots.
  2. Thanks fellas, plenty to choose from there, some a bit long winded. I was thinking of mentioning shooting within conditions of general licenses and within law etc but thanks for the examples there are bits in them that I never thought of covering.
  3. Does anyone have a copy of their letter used for permission that they would not mind sharing?
  4. Thanks Davy, I think I just need to get more organised. Going to prepare myself a permission letter and visit a few more farms/land owners then get out whenever I get chance.
  5. Great shooting mate. I'm afraid to admit to already having bought my son a couple of air rifle hunting dvd's for xmas. Do yours cover shooting tips/techniques?
  6. Thanks fellas but maybe i should have titled it 'Too cold'. Been out for a couple of hours and it's bleeding freezing! More stars than I've ever seen and frosty grass did not make for a good time but I'll get my first rabbit yet. Only been at it a couple of month, by accident really as i bought my son a second hand ultra .22 and now go out with it myself.
  7. Once again the only chance I have to get out and it's gone calm - the wind has dropped and the cloud is broken. Is it worth going out to try for rabbits?
  8. Well I've done quite a bit of searching images this morning and I'm now pretty sure it was a grey. Do you think the Forestry Commision would give permission to shoot in one of their woods?
  9. This one was local to me in Cumbria. It's tail was bushy and redish and it's head looked quite red but it's body was all grey and looked as if it had been shaved - the hair was a lot shorter. It was quite small and looked physically like a red. I don't have permission in the area and did not have my rifle but could have been tempted to shoot if i did. I wish i had took my camera as it hung around for quite a while chewing on an acorn.
  10. Seen what i think was a red one today but it's body was all grey.
  11. I've been looking for insurance and that site seems to offer decent service to you and your equipment but it has no mention of any liability insurance do you know if any is included?
  12. I think the best way would be to put a complaint in first about the vermin and ask them to let you know what they are going to do about it. A lot of councils will not employ permanent pest control any more so will not do anything unless they are getting a lot of complaints. If they do nothing offer to do it for free.
  13. Thanks skinheadsatz, do you get chance to shoot at any down that way?
  14. Anubis now sold - bargain at that price.
  15. Is it carbine or tactical? Any scopes? Whereabouts in Cumbria?
  16. Good idea Sean. I was just thinking of locating them before going seeking permission.
  17. Yeah the owner's still waiting for it back mate. lol I'll have to get some walks in out Keswick way to see if i can find any.
  18. I was google searching for areas with greys and seen some articles on some being black it's just more dark pigment.
  19. Does anyone know wher I could get some shooting at greys in Cumbria. I can only find reds where I live.
  20. Cono Flex 14' Anubis plus 7oz beach caster £175 Century Kompressor Sport 13' beach caster £150 2x Abu 7500 Multipliers Slosh30 Multiplier Many other bits and pieces Would consider swapping for good pcp air rifle. Cumbria
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