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Everything posted by Nik_B

  1. I don't think I've even mentioned the Biden Laptop and to me it's just a distraction and doesn't have any bearing on the election. 4chan and other places have shared images and alleged emails all over the place, the pictures are revolting and he's obviously a druggy but that has little effect on the election especially now. I highly doubt there will be a criminal investigation into it, that never seems to happen.
  2. I don't think a giant conspiracy is necessary to prove and I have no idea if there was anything like that but what appears to have happened is huge amounts of ballots were cast in a way that does not conform with state law especially where there was no chain of custody or where observers weren't present, that seems to be the main push from the Trump campaign especially in PA, Wisconsin and Michigan and maybe Nevada and Arizona. In my opinion much of this will hinge on the Georgia recount, if it flips red next week then the momentum will be there to push on but if it stays blue I think it
  3. I used to really look forward to this time of the year when we used to go shooting but that came to an end the same year I moved here and never found a similar shoot but I do love the change in the season and seeing all the migratory birds arrive. I didn't know you could get flocks of egrets, we have them here all year round, there's just a few of them but I can almost guarantee you will see them at a certain spot. Missed out on much of the fishing because of the lockdown and really am not in the mood to be stood on rocks in the howling winds at the moment but we still had some good
  4. Truckers threatening to strike starting on the 29th of November
  5. If they'd wanted to win without cheating they should have picked Tulsi
  6. and conspiracy theories President Elect Green Lurchers ?
  7. And just when you thought things couldn't get anymore ridiculous there's apparently a movie coming out about George Soros lol
  8. We truly live in Clown world. It's like when they called the riots peaceful protests ?
  9. Thought China would get the blame in the end lol I have no idea but it seems unlikely that a serious investigation into software could be carried out within a short period of time. I still think the court cases revolving around late ballots and ballots case where there was no chain of custody are going to be the main challenge and then maybe we'll have 4 years of Chinagate rammed down out throats. Georgia says they will have the results of their audit next week and PA court cases are going on now. I wonder how long this can drag on for.
  10. President Elect - Joe Biden's Epic Convoy ...you can see why Trump lost
  11. This is still the president of the USA and he said this. The most powerful man in the world...so they say
  12. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/pa-judge-rules-some-late-ballots-dont-count-secretary-state-lacked-authority-extend
  13. Ooops sorry this was just for you English that wanted to come and spend your £££ here. Looks like it's refugees welcome ?
  14. Funny how anti-Trumpers start commenting, I thought he'd lost and it was over for him? Are people getting worried?
  15. Uh oh...they've got Jon Voight mad now
  16. https://www.jamieoliver.com/recipes/vegetable-recipes/easy-homemade-curry-pastes/ get an old egg box and line with pieces of cellophane and wrap dollops individually and freeze. You won't go wrong with that for the paste
  17. Please lets not call each other names, I'm not a conspiracy theorist but you can called me President Elect Nick..I don't mind that ?
  18. If there's some document showing that then that's fine but I haven't seen it and if you have posting it would put this to bed rather than just links to news articles. Either way this is a bit of a distraction for both sides, one postal worker isn't going to throw open a can of worms and of course if this is all they have then Trump will clearly lose the lawsuits. My feeling is that their aim is to throw into doubt the validity of all ballots cast while there were no observers because chain of custody cannot be proven, on top of that they may look into how software glitches have cause
  19. Project Veritas will transcribe the full interview between the postal worker and the Federal investigators
  20. He didn't actually. Why not take a look at this analysis of the votes in some counties? The results look extreme odd If short on time take a look at this, does anyone seriously think that in the most republican precincts people went out to vote for their party but didn't vote for Trump to the tune of him getting 10% less votes in those same areas?
  21. Trump fired defense secretary Mark Esper and has replaced him with Anthony Tata who tweeted this to John Brennan in 2018 ? It's getting crazier by the day
  22. Wow there is still some integrity in at least a handful of journalists. Did the PM of Australia send congratulations to Biden, if not that would be very interesting. Edit: never mind, he did lol
  23. I've seen it on their own website but to be honest I'm staying well away from that stuff at the moment, the worlds already insane enough ?
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