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Everything posted by Nik_B

  1. Sorry mate I couldn't reply for hours...either gremlins or they're finally on to me ? That looks an amazing way to live and I'll be looking out for any more posts I've followed my gut instincts and it's saved our bacon a few times, I think there's a lot of people who have the same feeling but can't put their finger on it.
  2. I think we will feel the hit at some point, if they keep printing money it devalues our currency and could lead to very high inflation. At the moment I think they are concerned about deflation which is partly why they are chucking money around like candy..it does actually help stimulate GDP growth. Eventually that will cause inflation which is what they want but they could easily lose control of it. At the moment I guess most countries are doing the same thing (money printing) so it's all relative but the chickens will come home to roost one day. I was looking at UK 10 year bonds or gilts
  3. Have you tried live prawns on a float? They're absolutely deadly here. Good luck mate you've put me to shame now lol. Wonder if I call fill the hole in my boot with superglue ?
  4. It will be interesting to see how that goes, any chance of mullet maybe? It feels like ages since I was out fishing, I've been doing more lure fishing and had a few schoolie bass so far but the high winds have been never ending and I've got a hole in me boot ?
  5. Are you moving onto a canal boat? I seriously looked into that a few years ago but the missus wouldn't have it...probably for the best in hindsight ?
  6. What baffles me is how unemployment is shooting up but at the same time housing prices have sky rocketed. You would normally expect that if more people are out of work then the opposite would happen....and it probably will eventually.
  7. I have been saying this for years: I believe that the financial disaster of 2008 and subsequent quantitative easing (QE) would end in disaster and I think it has. 12 years later (and after QE: 1,2,3 &4) the US Fed has had to print 6 trillion dollars this year and also it had to print one trillion in sept 2019 to stop the repo market collapsing but no one noticed that! There are very serious structural problems in the financial markets, the status of the USD as the world currency reserve might be on it's way out and god only knows what that will mean Maybe they need dist
  8. Well that wasn't predictable at all
  9. I think it was started because of Ditchshitter
  10. I'd save every penny because it's very likely worse things will come before they get better.
  11. Trump apparently drove through some of the march in DC today
  12. I hope someone is keeping an eye on Alex Jones's blood pressure ??
  13. Bellwether counties since 1956...looks totally legit
  14. Flashback to September, makes you wonder why they were freaking out
  15. Someone has shown how they gained administrator rights to machines in under 2 minutes. There might be change logs saved but I understand that every ballot put into the machine is scanned and the images are saved onto the hard drive which should make verification easier.
  16. https://babylonbee.com/news/girlfriend-keeps-referring-to-herself-as-wife-elect-despite-no-official-word-from-boyfriend
  17. https://babylonbee.com/news/trump-one-ups-biden-by-referring-to-himself-as-emperor-of-mankind-elect
  18. What's the reason for checking the PH? To make sure the water isn't too acidic to hold fish?
  19. Arizona state law says margin must be within 0.1% (the actual margin is 0.3 or 0.4) for a recount so unless they prove some kind of fraud irregularities Az is going blue.
  20. Fraud happens in every election same in the UK the question is...how much this time? https://www.zerohedge.com/political/fraud-clark-county-election-officials-accepted-my-signature-8-different-ballot-envelopes
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