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Everything posted by Nik_B

  1. Yes but it feels like the West has been in terminal decline for years. I will try to keep some positivity no matter what until the bitter end...and we're really close to that. I don't think Trump is a saviour at all but he seems to have caused a change in direction and that's a good start, if he loses I'll have zero hope for the future and that's an understatement.
  2. I'm still smoking but the snuss was ok for a bit
  3. But people are starting to notice and that's a good thing
  4. If you look at google analytics 'The Great Reset' has gone through the roof and is close to maxed out. Personally I've stayed away from listening to any of it because it's unimaginable and impossible to implement But it's interesting anyway because google can and will suppress stories (or theories) but they didn't this time.
  5. This kind of crazy shit is what they all want apparently...it's not me...they've said as much I'm seriously worried about the next year or so
  6. LOL but you can see it as a possibility?
  7. I have no idea if you're kidding or not lol but seriously I've just tried to answer the question and not said anything conspiratorial...it's literally from the horses mouth and no one will ever dispute it. I only mentioned the covid because this is the most recent time that money printing fired up.
  8. Now you've ruined it lol
  9. We're not supposed to talk about it
  10. He'll be gone in a few months, I'm no leftie but I can see it coming a mile off Next up we'll have an Indian PM lol
  11. f**k I've ruined it now
  12. No no no....it's not!!!!
  13. Looks like Dominion workers are deleting themselves from LinkedIn...which is a bit like facebook but for 'professionals' (actually it's a pile of shyte like the rest of social media)
  14. I used to be in email contact with him a few years back
  15. Rat catcher....that's not ditch shitter is it mate?
  16. We did have an alternative, it was flawed but UKIP could have been that (or some other parties that used to exist) but people decided to run back to the same old sh*tbags that have never done anything good. The fact is the politicians aren't the problem, it's us, we keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result and that's the definition of insanity
  17. I'm just glad that people didn't vote Corbyn...otherwise he'd have printed up billions of pounds and wrecked the economy ?
  18. I'm starting to think that this is what happens in people's brains when you ask a simple question in 2020
  19. How could things be possibly worse? Asking for a friend
  20. If the interest rates were extremely LOW (which they were) why would our government refinance their WW2 debt with a higher rate?
  21. and upsetting people and that's good enough for me ?
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