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Everything posted by Nik_B

  1. I know someone who picked one up ??
  2. Finally something is starting to happen https://therightscoop.com/breaking-pennsylvania-arizona-and-michigan-legislatures-to-hold-public-hearings-on-2020-election-as-soon-as-tomorrow/
  3. He's no idiot either and isn't going to rush to 'congratulate' someone who may not end up president...unlike so many other 'leaders' Your two countries may not get along but they managed to work together enough to prevent a third world war for many decades.
  4. Someone took video of them shredding what looked like ballot papers. Press statement
  5. https://www.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.gand.283580/gov.uscourts.gand.283580.7.1_2.pdf
  6. Looks like we should see a report from the Director of National Intelligence within a few weeks. This is an interesting read https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-imposing-certain-sanctions-event-foreign-interference-united-states-election/
  7. https://www.newsmax.com/newsmax-tv/morris-ballotstuffing-phoenix-detroit/2020/11/23/id/998441/
  8. I could actually believe that
  9. List of evidence so far https://hereistheevidence.com/
  10. CNN sounds like Sidney Powell in this report from 2006 lol
  11. I saw that the other day it was horrendous. You get accidents like that happen on oil rigs as well as there's also spinning machinery on the rig floor. Years ago I was having a smoke by the health and safety notice board and a picture caught my eye, it was the aftermath of someone who'd been wearing a harness but the connecting bit was trailing on the floor not attached to anything. He'd managed to get it caught in a spinning drum with a huge amount of power and dragged in. Just an arm and leg sticking out at impossible angles and a lot of blood. It was a disgusting sight. They used
  12. Another interview with Sidney Powell for anyone interested https://www.newsmax.com/newsmax-tv/sidney-powell-campaign-lawyer-dominion/2020/11/21/id/998181/
  13. https://www.bloomberg.com/amp/news/articles/2020-11-22/putin-says-he-s-not-ready-to-recognize-biden-as-u-s-president You've got to hand it to him ?
  14. You should google the Repo market crisis of Sept 2019 if you missed it like most of us did. Things were already coming unstuck then and the Fed had to pump at least one trillion dollars into the system to fix it. Something was already up with the system and Coronavirus has been the catalyst to really blow things up. I think the US deficit is now 3 trillion a year? Bonkers is the right word
  15. What ever happens I highly highly doubt there will be any return to the norm and not because of any election. I personally think there is a huge shift underway in geopolitics (I can't think of another way of explaining that) around the world especially how countries interact, trade and everything else. There are countries like China and Russia who are trying to de-dollarise which threatens the USD's status as the world only reserve currency. We're also probably in some kind of financial crisis which has been brewing for several years. On top of that the US has made it very clear the
  16. I'm sticking with Trump landslide but not because I like him, I just couldn't see it not happening so I'll just wait as patiently as I can. If I'm wrong I will quite happily admit it. I will say that this has not quite turned out the way I thought it would lol, When I went to bed that night it looked like a done deal ?
  17. Accip Here's the electoral college timeline https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/IF/IF11641 and a short video on what happens if no one gets 270 electoral college votes
  18. No it's when the electoral college meets, under normal circumstance someone would have already conceded at this point so the electoral college is just rubber stamping the results. If for any reason Biden doesn't get 270 votes it is then passed to the house under some obscure constitutional law (it has been used before many years ago) where one representative from each state votes. The GOP would have 26 out of 50 so it is likely to work in his favour. This is my laymans version, someone else with a better understanding might want to clarify but I'll post a video explaining this in a moment
  19. I don't know but what I do know is Trump told his supporters to vote in person and on the day. I wonder why? How do we know that Trump hadn't already put in to place some kind of 'investigation' months ago, he's repeatedly talked about voter fraud. It will be damn near impossible to start an investigation into something so big like Dominion and have it conclude within a few weeks. And on Dominion, I still don't think that is going to be the thing that changes the results. I think they are simply angling to have votes which were received after the deadline and/or those that have
  20. It's because numbers are massive this time. Take a lot at this, just one single example of how there are a lot of people looking through the data and finding evidence that there appears to be evidence of irregularities which warrant being looked at. The problem is people post stuff and no one bothers to look at it. But as Chris said, time will tell. If Biden does not get the 270 electoral votes he needs because of any reason including on going legal cases then it goes to the house where Trump is likely to win re-election
  21. Because of Covid the number of mail in ballots has been astronomical. Mail voting is the least secure and ripe for abuse like we've had in the UK. Why did they not just audit and canvass the votes?
  22. It could just end up getting one step closer to the Supreme court. I think many people are missing that and fail to realise that, that is exactly what Trump and his team wants.
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