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Everything posted by Nik_B

  1. Nik_B


    I also can't eat first thing in the morning, usually start the day with three or four cups of tea and a couple of cigarettes. I normally eat for the first time early afternoon...probably not a healthy start to the day.
  2. Hi mate To not use an antivirus software is maddness, if you don't like the sound of norton I recommend Kaspersky which is one of the best but you have to pay for it. Alternatively AVG is ok, Macafee is a pile of rubbish in my opinion and Norton should be pretty good as well. One trick to keep you safe is to set up a second account which does not use admin rights. What this will do is stop any auto-executable files (EXE files) from being inadvertantly run. Most people run their computers on admin without realising the risks. I appreciate it can be a pain in the arse to switch user when
  3. Nik_B

    Your Freedom

    The worst enemy is appathy...not the antis
  4. Nik_B

    Your Freedom

    400,000 people marched on London. I see no reason why we couldn't get near a million votes if people are made aware of this. It isn't another pointless petition like the ones that were put up on the government petition website it is a promise by Nick (it's not fair) Clegg to impliment the most popular changes. Would be worth voting on the get out of europe one as well People Power?
  5. A Golden oportunity With a large proportion of votes by the public the hunting ban would get repealed. I have emailed the countryside alliance to suggest they put a link to a single suggestion to repeal the hunting ban so that there isn't 100 different petitions. This is the best oportunity we will get. Repeal the 2004 Hunting Act
  6. Thing is you want 100% recall, dog needs to believe it has no choice whatsoever, only way to do this is get the dog to you when he really doesn't want to. If you persuade him with treats, all you've done is changed his mind so he wants to come, any dog will come when it wants to. A dog fully trained comes when it doesn't want to. The only way to enforce the recall command is the line. Mike. I would go as far to say his recall is at least 99% and it pleases me to see I can get him back even when he is playing with other dogs. I would like to get a line as my training is getting mor
  7. When I called him and later used the whistle I have given my Lab a treat every single time. With other commands I would treat him every now and then but I wanted a strong recall. I started in the garden where there are no distractions, calling him with my arms open and when he came I'd give him a treat. When we moved on to the park I found that my voice wasn't being carried as well as a whitle. The whistle worked very well, as I said he gets a treat every time he recalls and even when he is playing with other dogs he will come bounding back because he knows he's going to get something.
  8. Play it safe, give him a call, what ever the outcome at least he will know you were sensible enough to ask first. ATB Mick I rang the Fire arms officer yesterday and he was really helpful. It is legal to use it in the garden but he did say the last thing you want is someone reporting gunshots and having an armed response unit turn up. He said it would ok if I informed the neihbours and I could also phone the local police to let them know I was doing it. Having said that I think it might be more trouble than it is worth and I will ask at the gun club if anyone has some more sui
  9. Ah ha! I came very very close a couple of months ago at Pennine Fishery. Was pretty deep as well so I would have been totally drenched!
  10. Actually it hits the middle classes as most tax hikes do. I think it is fair that everyone has to pay towards fixing the country not just the rich. Even the poorest person in the UK gets food, clothing, a home, education etc etc....Sure it would be nice to live more confortably but it isn't a god given right. No point hammering the rich or the bankers they will just move overseas and much of the above is paid for by tax raised from our financial sector. It is painful that they appear to get off scot free but there was never going to be a reconning for the bankers. We need the tax
  11. I think that England will get knocked out by the first half decent team we play, even the Slovenia game I thought we looked bad and passing and ball control wasn't very good. I think saddly the argies or Brazilians will probably pick it up again. Watching Lineker/Hanson et al verbally masterbating over Messi was even more sickening than watching Englands performance
  12. Cheers, He seems much better does anyone think the antibiotics work though? If you or I get a cough the doctors wont precribe antibiotics because they don't work on virus's. I will look in to getting him vaccinated when he is better. I'm supprised the vets didn't suggest this when I got his other vaccines though. Oh and yes he is my first dog
  13. Are you allowed to use a blank firer in your garden? I am in a similar situation, Labrador is 8 months old and I want to get him used to bangs. I was going to get some fireworks but a blank firer would be best. Only problem is I don't want the police turning up at my house as I am going to put in for my FAC/SGC soon.
  14. hates sitting at home with nothing to do!

  15. My Lab sounded like he was choaking on something, hacking cough and vomitting his food up. Seemed happy enough appart from that though. The next day he was a bit subdued and I booked him in to the vets for the next day. That night he had green snot streeming out of his nose (I never imagined dogs got colds). I was in two minds whether to cancel the appointment as with humans there isn't anything you can do to cure a cold. I took him to the vets anyway and they said he has Kennel cough and that there is an epidemic of it going round. As always I left with a load of antibiotics which I doub
  16. They said they are going to cap housing benefit payments to 400 quid per week. 400 POUNDS PER WEEK!!!???? Is anyone else horrified that someone on the dole should have been getting more than that and I am sorry but even 300 or 400 is taking the piss. That is a sh1t load of money to get for a rented house, you could rent two very nice houses where I live in a good area and near good schools for 1600 per month.
  17. Nik_B


    Another plesant result was Shahid Malik the muslim MP who wanted an all Muslim Parliment lost his Dewsbury seat.
  18. In all seriousness smaller parties aren't likely to do well in a general election as the main fisht will always be labour versus conservative. BNP and UKIP etc tend to see better results in local and euro elections. If you're interested the BNP's vote was up by a couple of percent and they got over 500,000 votes. We're now in a hung parliment and my money is on Cleg doing a deal with Labour providing they get rid of Brown. The conservatives will only give Clegg's numpties jobs like cultural sercretary and manning the tea trolly! We'll be doing this all over again in a years time.
  19. They will allow a parlimentary vote. If they have a minority government then there will be no chance. They will need a decent majority. If they got in I do believe they would repeal it because many of their constituencies are in the country. But saddly this will be accademic as there is very little chance they will win with a majority.
  20. I went for Conservative for general and UKIP for local. I think UKIP have a lot of support in this country and I support their beliefs. I voted conservative in the general because I'm really concerned that there will be some bastardised Lib/Lab coalition. I do hope BNP get a seat because that will help punish all parties who avoid the immigration debate.
  21. gets mine too they deserved that and got spanked
  22. Thanks I enjoyed looking at those pics great looking dogs. I hope to see my own lab working one day.
  23. How old are your labs mate?
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