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Everything posted by Nik_B

  1. Nik_B

    help needed

    I'd never leave my wife! I'd have no one to look after my dog when I am away
  2. I can see where you are coming from but those problem people who basically refuse to find a job don't want incentives, therefore they will be made do jobs that they will NOT like. It wont be long that they realise that they don't have the option to stay on the dole and will start looking for something better. This is doing them and more importantly their family a favour in my opinion. Children look at their parents as a model for how they are going to live their life in the future, abusive parents breed abusive children, it stands to reason that lazy parents breed lazy kids. If even a handful
  3. Dont be too hard on yerself mate. At least you have the guts to admit game is harder than clays.......... Try n bag yerself another day out and I'll put odds on you do a bit better this time. Just be careful shooting ground game if there are dogs around Good luck and keep trying, other than wildfowling theres nowt better than rough shooting (except pigeons lol) Yeh I was really worried about the dog even though he is very well trained and was only working in the hedge rows. I'm glad I went it's taught me how much you need to know before even contemplating rough shooting alone. I ne
  4. yeh watched the first one...looks really good. I'm a big fan of zombie films
  5. I have been shooting rifles for a year and clay pigeons for the last couple of months. The other day I got the opportunity for a few hours rough shooting with a friend. He has a lot of experience and a well trained spaniel so he offered to work his dog while I carried the gun. I have to admit I felt really apprehensive as so far I have only shot in a clay stand where I have plenty of time to think about safety, stance etc. Straight away a rabbit was bolted and my mind was still adjusting so I didn't even see it. The second I was a bit slow and didn't get a shot off. My biggest concern wa
  6. nice one! Got mine the other week. As my cabinet isn't fitted yet it's stopped me rushing out to buy a gun before I've had a chance to try a few out. Each time I try one I think "this is the one for me" and then the next week change my mind I'm lucky to have had some coaching from a BASC instructor and he's offered to come with me to make sure I get something that fits properly. I was dead set on a 20 bore last week but yesterday put 175 cartriges through a sporting 12 bore and didn't have any shoulder ache like when I first started shooting so I'm going to stick with a 12 bore, also
  7. What I am doing at the moment is to try to spot other dogs when they are quite far out, as soon as Ollie spots them I blow the recall whistle and start walking off in the other direction. Now most of the time he will recall providing the other dog is far enough away. I know many of the dog owners there so once he has recalled I send him back to the dog he spotted. I can usually recall him again from that but once they start to get closer he tends to lie down. I suppose he has to look after himself first and formost and make sure that other dogs know he is not a threat to them. I have watched t
  8. I think most people would agree, it's people like you that the dole should be there for, not for people to make a long term career out of. Hope you find something decent in the near future
  9. My Lab is 1 year old now. We've had a hard time through his adolecence but his recall is getting better even when he is with other dogs. He's a bright dog and doing well but there is one thing that is nagging at me. I have let my dog play with other dogs as I understood that socialising is important. Having said that when he sees another dog he tends to lie down which I was told is his way of letting the other dog he isn't a threat and wants to play. The problem is when this is going on he is pretty focused on the other dog so it's hard to get him away at this moment. If I run away and hid
  10. I live near Heathrow and I can say there is definitely a change in policy and mind set when it comes to immigration. A very good friend of mine had a member of her family come to visit, he had a tourist visa. At immigration they decided because his job back home was not very good that he would be a bad bet on returning home. They put him on the next plane back. Can you imagine that happening just a few months ago? I have a mate from malaysia, one of his freind's sons just finished a medical degree. He couldn't find a job and after 2-3 months was sent home. It is being implimented
  11. Egypt would love to have him! He's get executed within months. The problem is not them it is US. We've given asylum to terrorist scum from north africa many times stopping those countries from dishing out their own justice which would be death after torture and god knows what else. Having worked in NOrth Africa for years, in particular Algeria, you get to hear how f**ked up we are protecting people who have commited atrocities in other countries because they don't have good human rights....then when we get attacked we expect them to extradite people to the UK etc. It is a joke! I try
  12. My Gran was from the East End, she used to tell us the tails of how people would leave their front doors open etc and how no one ever got broke in to or mugged. Society was very different and that kind of behaviour was unthinkable back then, but it wasn't like that because of the Krays or any other gang.
  13. I used the Parkers website as well as gocompare. The parkers website also gave some cleaver tips which saved me money. One was to put someone else as a named driver, I put my wife down and hey presto saved £100. Also when it asks you your job you can look at different descriptions as it makes a small difference. I work in the oil industry and there were 3 different things I could put down, one was £50 cheaper.
  14. My Labrador was doing great with training till about 7-8 month old when he suddenly became a teenage terror. We've been working out b*ll*cks off trying to get recall etc back since then. Just as he's turned 1 year old things are calming down again but he's still a handful. I am no expert but I'd take your time and let em grow up a bit first.
  15. Ha ha nearly spilt my tea unless you are serious....in which case you really are a lovely couple
  16. I have just recieved my SGC today which is also my birthday! GMP were profesional and processed the application very quickly concidering most of the time that has passed was waiting for the doctors letter. They also gave me some really good advice during the interview.
  17. Shotgun certificate just landed on my door step!!!
  18. Cons were planning a 'great repeals' bill where they get rid of aload of pointless legislation. I imagine they will slip the hunting ban repeal in with that. Doesn't help that their hands are tied by the liberals which naturally will be against lifting the ban.
  19. The BBC is unbiased!!! :doh: I wont watch BBC anymore but every now and then I get suckered in by something that sounds like it could be interesting. They very cleverly make out that they are showing both sides of a story but then tell you which one is right at the end Why we have to pay to be told how to think is beyond me, I think it's about time we got rid of it!
  20. Here's a decent forum for fly fishing, they have updates on the different still waters and rivers in the uk. http://www.flyforums.co.uk/
  21. Hi mate, a 6 or 7 weight rod should be about right for still water where they stock with rainbows. If you fish from the bank 9 ft should be about right, 10ft if you fish from a boat and a 9ft 6 is in between. Get a cheap reel that comes with a couple of cassettes and you can probably get away with a floating line and a sinker like a Di 3 or Di 5 to get started. Flies depend on where you fish and you can gradually build up a decent supply by buying a few each time you go fishing. To start with you might want to get a few lures to use with the sinking line (e.g. cats whisker, zonker, dawsons
  22. The op is in a similar situation to me. My advice is to train yourself first so you know what is going on i.e. do as much shooting and beating as you can this season so you have a good idea what the crack is. Seperately work on training you dog on the most important basics such as recall, steadyness, sit whistle etc. Get some advice and training as well if you need it, the dog is your second biggest investment after your gun. In my opinion you will just end up mega stressed out if you put your dog in to a situation that it can't handle, I've taken my dog fishing and he gets really
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