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Everything posted by Nik_B

  1. Northern Euopeans are deffinately worse for drinking heavily than the mediterainian europeans that is for sure. I also think that the binge drinking culture is being seen everywhere to a certain extent. This is probably partly down to more social freedom (i.e. seen as more socially acceptable) and young people having expendable incomes. Poor countries tend to have families that stick together through necesity and so you wont get as much of that kind of behaviour. Still I know Pakistanis that drink at home where it is illegal. I also worked in Bahrain and saw Saudis and Kuwaities pour over the
  2. DONT WORRY its not a criminal conviction, they will have a little chuckle to themselves when you inform them. You dont get points on your driving licence so ....dont need to tell em. Happened to me and I havent told them either
  3. Nik_B

    My old man

    He can be a pain in the bum and a bit condecending at times even though I'm 38 I recon he just has got in the habit of trying to fix everyones problems for them. he's done so much for me and I think it's important to give back. We go fishing and I take him out every now and then...not as much as I should tho He always say "Family first" and he is right...took me a few years to realise that
  4. Definately give it back. I've lost my wallet a couple of times, unless there's loads of cash in it, it's worse to have lost the cards and other things such as photos of wife and kids which was my case. Last time it happened the money was still in it and I gave the lad 20 quid, although there was more in it, I think thats fair. The kids dad had sent him to my door...either to teach the lad that honesty pays or because he thought there was more chance of a reward
  5. I told my missus to stop buying meat from the supermarket for that reason mate. The quality of the meat is not good, probably due to the way they were reared. I'd rather less but better quality. I noticed even the Best Tescos Bacon is full of water and virtually impossible to get nice and crispy. What I meant before about enjoyment was not that I enjoy the killing but I enjoy the sport. I actually always feel a bit bad when I kill anything but as long as there is a good reason (i.e. food on the table) then I'm happy to do it but I don't get any pleasure from the act of killing as such.
  6. Yeh I use my PS3 to watch it on youtube on the telly. Great program
  7. Antis are allways going to hate what we do regardless of how people act. There's a fly fishing forum I go on and one topic was critising a magazine for displaying two large brown trout that had been killed saying that this was a bad image for the sport. In the end we can bend over backwards to try to please the anti but they will never go away. Killing animals cannot be called anything other than cruel...by the very nature of the word is isn't a nice act...but it must be done for conservation and other reasons....and in the end we enjoy doing it. The only thing that talks is mone
  8. Nik_B

    anti virus

    What's the point of a pc if you aren't downloading porn???
  9. Nik_B

    anti virus

    Kaspersky is one of the best but u have to pay for it. Avast is suposed to be very good. AVG free is ok and I have used it for years but I wouldn't rate it very highly compared with Kaspersky. ATB
  10. It reminded me of John Craven on Coursing. Emotive language like disgusting, revolting, cruel, wateful...and then insert every swear word known to man...all though he would have sworn even if he'd been doing a documentary on the brownies In the end if the numbers of sharks can be sustained and fishing regulated and laws introduced to prevent young sharks which haven't reached breeding age being caught then it's ok with me. But since we cant even manage our own fish stocks....... If someone wants to eat wierd sh1t then it's not up to me to stop them but do it in a way that doesnt d
  11. but wont ever get on the TV. What the EU is doing is shameless and 100% of those fish are wated rather than 95% of a shark. As I say I am all for sustainable fishing but I wont be sucked in to starting a witch hunt over one single thing because in my opinion people that make these programs probably have a hidden agenda.
  12. BBC 'Style' documentary! It is one sided. he didn't even try to get the service of a translatro most of the time so of course those fishermen were going to react strangly...wouldn't you is a foreigner with a camera man starting jibbering at you in a language you didn't understand? One of his main points was that it was wastful and cruel. When you see how the fisherman on the boat he got a trip on, killed the sharks they cut the head off imediately....but that crusty oceanographer dude showed him the video of them finning the shark while alive. Probably not common, wouldn't it be safer
  13. Thanks mate that was really helpful I'm looking for good days out, whether shooting, pest control, learning about how to look after the pheasants, and getting my dog some experience in the field. It's a cheap syndicate so I'm not going to expect much....but a day out is a day out!
  14. I am going to phone a guy who has a small syndicate. I'm not after big bag days, just a few nice days out plus the vermin rights on some farm land so I have somewhere to go shooting out of season. So before I phone him up what questions would you be asking? I know it will be rough/walked up days of small bags, and I know the kind of vermin rights given, I also know the land isnt passed for FACs so it's just going to be the shotgun and air rifle. They do work parties that aren't compusory but I recon that would be fun every now and then and I'd like to learn a little about keepering. At
  15. This is a guy who was taking the mick out of someone for being vegi and now he sounds like an anti....He cant have it both ways....whats next? bumming Brian may and doing a fox hunting documentary? I wouldnt eat shark fin and having a sustainable food stock is important but this guy is unreal....typical BBC type one sided view, they've told you how to think so don't worry your little minds about making your own mind up.
  16. How old is he? I have a black lab that is 15 months. He's doing well and I am also thinking about sending him to a preffesional trainer for a month or two. The only problem is that not having him here would be horrible so I am going to try to time it for when I work out of the country.....that should make the wifes life a bit easier as she already has her hands full with work, children and the house. Moss looks a lovely looking dog. Best of luck with him.
  17. Cutting the funding doesn't mean less sport. Bout time they found more inventive ways to exercise, since when does kicking a ball round a field or running cost money?
  18. Nik_B


    SOmeone says "don't think of elephants" what do you think of? Elephants! Next time try telling her what you do want...or......buy em off the internet like I do
  19. I love Wales I've travelled a fair bit but the UK is my favorite place, we've got some spectacular scenery.
  20. Turn my Labrador into a fantastic gundog Well most new years resolutions are fantasy so why not mine
  21. Been on the Port and Stilton this last week
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