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Everything posted by Nik_B

  1. From my own bitter experience do as much research as you possibly can before getting the dog. Think it through and make sure you've got the time and motivation to see it through. Then find a good trainer and keep up lessons and do exactly as they say.
  2. I think there's some truth to this. Think he was punching above his weight....not that he actually got a punch in
  3. Yeh respect is what it's about. Making the effort is a good sign of respect to the organisers and they deserve it really... Someone I know that is involved in a shoot told me of a let day where a few of the guns turned up and hammered the bag before lunch which meant that the unfortunates who didn't get a bird put over them yet had to chip in to pay for the extra birds shot later on. Those same guys then didn't even bother to stick around for the meal provided at the end of the day. Completely disrespectful.
  4. I got an Automatic 4.6l V8 2001 rangie....now that is heavy on the gas Doubt it would make much difference if it was manual though. On a different note I love driving automatics so much less hassle....must be getting old
  5. Yeh I've done a fair few first aid courses as part of my offshore survival but they didn't cover choking, CPR on a child would be a nightmare as they are so frail. For them to be worth while I think you'd have to refresh every year at least. Makes you think though, it is my worst nightmare that something hapens to my daughter and I am always banging on at my wife about smoke alarms and checking the cooker is off etc.
  6. That bugger's had a fortune off me this year
  7. I'm not dead keen but I am really getting in to the Great British food revival
  8. Worked for my missus. As far as the dreams go I get mad dreams if I wear a nicotein patch over night.....I've no intention to stop smoking at the moment but sometimes I just wear one for the mad dreams.
  9. ***News flash*** Life isn't fair I can hardly believe it!?
  10. controlled by brussels instead of whitehall?
  11. I burn smokeless coal, we get it for 16 quid a 50kg bag. I collect wood through the summer but we usually go mad at the first hint of slightly cool weather so it doesn't last that long but cost nought and gives the house a nice feel when they are on.
  12. Nik_B

    gaddaffi captured

    Wow videos are out showing him captured alive and dragged around by a beying mob before his execution. Must have been bricking it
  13. Nik_B

    gaddaffi captured

    Up till Feb this year I was working in Libya. People hated him.
  14. I took my dog on when he was a bit older than 4 months and there is some traits I recognise in my own dog. AS he wasn't vaccinated we had to keep him in a further 5 or 6 weeks and so he didn't meet the real world till much older. It makes me a bit sad when I read this and see where he lacks in socialisation around lots of people or on the street. I'd done everything I could and he is much better but like that article its been a very long road and quite honestly not much fun either. Skycat Your posts are great
  15. Until about 6 years ago I had a 1972 VW Beetle and 70 mph was as fast as you would dare to drive unless you like the idea of a 500m stopping distance. I think this is a sensible move that won't encourage people to drive faster....the dicks that go 100mph up your backside wont suddenly increase that to 100 mph. Tail gators should be banned on the spot Theres no such thing as a tail gater......your in the road and the person wants to go faster than you....get out the feckin road.. I hate that attitude of "I'm doing 70 so they'll just have too wait...".... I hate people w
  16. Yes suddenly it all starts to come out what he really thinks.
  17. Until about 6 years ago I had a 1972 VW Beetle and 70 mph was as fast as you would dare to drive unless you like the idea of a 500m stopping distance. I think this is a sensible move that won't encourage people to drive faster....the dicks that go 100mph up your backside wont suddenly increase that to 100 mph. My mate used to have an obsession with beetles, I've been in a few hairy situations over the years in those fecking death traps.. If bits weren't falling off them every 500 yards, the wiring was bursting out into flames! It was a standing joke between us in the end. Every time I
  18. Until about 6 years ago I had a 1972 VW Beetle and 70 mph was as fast as you would dare to drive unless you like the idea of a 500m stopping distance. I think this is a sensible move that won't encourage people to drive faster....the dicks that go 100mph up your backside wont suddenly increase that to 100 mph.
  19. My dog Lab was like that and still is sometimes usually out on the street or near busy roads. When he is away from those sort of places he is like a different dog all together and very bold. Don't force it in to situations where it will make things worse
  20. Nik_B

    poor lad

    This is disgusting. No different to female mutilation which is now in the press so much. They should be locked up including any doctor who puts a knife to any healthy child.
  21. OK but there is nothing in the world more interesting to a teenage boy than girls....and in my dogs world there is nothing more interesting in the world than sniffing other dogs. He's not castrated and he's young and that is where discipline has to come in. I don't dispute your own method but I am with Skycat on this one that when he misbehaves he needs a boll*cking and not me dancing round flapping my arms about until he comes back....and yes I tried that amongst other techniques I got from a non gundog trainer including hiding from him when he runs off, treats for returning, balls and just a
  22. That's definitely the key...again just like with kids Still not convinced that treat/reward based training works though. What do you do when your reward isn't as rewarding as sniffing or playing with other dogs?
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