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Everything posted by Nik_B

  1. I'm fairly new to rough shooting as well. I've a mate who has been kind (and patient!!) enough to take me out a few times. Personally I find it quite a lot harder than I expected Glad you had a good day out
  2. It's one way of looking at it Another is to say that you and I don't have the luxury of living where we want, we have to live in places that are affordable....so why shouldn't they? massive difference between long term unemployed i.e. can't be arsed working and someone who is 'out of work' and actively looking who I have every sympathy with. Someone who's never made an effort to work should live where there is available housing and not get to pick and chose a £2000 per month house in London just because they don't want to live somewhere else.
  3. One was that gready romanian woman with kids who took the government to court because she wanted to be allowed to sell the big issue
  4. and the worse thing is that this cap means there are people getting way way more than 26 grand
  5. Well said...also how much have you got to earn pre-tax to have a take home allowance of 26K? 30+ Grand I recon....it's a f**king disgrace that there are people on benefits earning more than some families that work for a living.
  6. Not just kids either, I am still struggling with my dog being nervous in certain places thanks to some twat that tried to stroke him when he didn't see them coming. That happened a year ago! People treat dogs like a play thing and have no sense, they think they've a god given right to approach your dog without asking. My daughter was taught from an early age to always ask first , and I showed her the right way to approach a dog. One of our neighbours has kids that total freak out near Ollie, screaming and fussing...the mum wasn't much better. Generally I keep him away from them.
  7. Nik_B

    wish me luck

    Let us know how it turns out
  8. If the owner doesn't have good recall with a dog why let it off the lead?
  9. Same here 4am to 4pm Only upside is it's work from home. 9pm I'm in bed trying to get to sleep
  10. What a nutter....what did he think he was going to eat?
  11. Nik_B


    The Falklands aren't even in Argentinian territorial waters Tomo. Argentina has never had any claim to the islands, or even historical links. They have never owned them. Their only claim to them is that they are the nearest country to them. I wouldn't worry about any Argy intentions towards the islands though, even though we are stretched to the max. We still have the worlds second most powerful blue water navy, & there is a full squadron of Eurofighters, 1000 troops & at least one of these brand spanking new babies stationed there: http://en.wikipedia....pe_45_destroyer
  12. Nik_B


    :laugh: .. well thats one way to look at it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,they are however 250 miles from, the argies not 400,,,, but how far are they from us??? Looks like 400 on google map. The thing is no one wanted it when every country in the world was colonising and expanding, we settled people and built an infrastructure. Now oil has been found the Argies fancy a piece of the pie again. Yep it's miles away from the UK but was colonized when we were a huge sea faring nation.
  13. Nik_B


    400 miles isn't that close. With that rational then The faroe Islands should be ours...hell why not even Iceland as well?
  14. Nik_B


    does it cost more to defend than its worth??? Yes but it's been an important strategic location for the UK for many years. are we defending it because of the inhabatents??,, or because of mineral deposits?? Probably both but imagine how we would look if we gave it to them? Next would be Gibraltar...i.e. we would loose our standing in the orld if it was thought we would role over to any p*ss ant country. if there were no mineral depostits,, would we defend it?? or would we just tell the argies they can have it,, and we will repatreate its inhabatents back here..??? Depends on the Govern
  15. Nik_B


    I think it's a load of hot air though, I doubt they've got the stomach for a war. looking at our armed forces even with the cuts we've some seriously state of the art equipment, Apache Helicopters, Predator UAVs, Eurofighter and Tornado and some of the most advanced Naval warships in the world not to mention the army are the best trained and very combat experienced due to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. I recon we'd still give them a good kicking
  16. Nik_B


    Interesting...turns out the Argies don't have an aircraft carrier anymore either and a quick search on the internet shows their airforce is still made up from Mirage 3/5s, IAI Daggers and A4s. Same stuff they had in 1982!
  17. Nik_B


    We'd have to rely on the Inteligence services this time, if they invade without warning I can't see what chance we'd ahve to retake the Islands without carriers and fighter support. I read somewhere they thought they would be able to provide Tornado support from the Ascension Islands but would fighters be able to make that long journey to CAP? They'd only be on station for a short time and couldn't be scrambled at short notice. On the flip side we've got Subs with cruise missiles and torpedos plus still a fair number of navy warships so this time you would hope they wouldn't hold back
  18. What happened to you? Was it really speeding or was it bad driving? I have learnt something, keep a better eye out for cameras. Seriously though, whether you are going 70 or 90 on a motorway it doesn't make much difference when it is a clear road. It is not as if I speed anywhere where there is a pedestrian or someone else could get hurt, if I crash and die due to my own driving then I deserve it. The worse that would have happened is they would have to close a lane to remove my mangled corpse, I can think of worse things. When you get a close call you might think differently. I was co
  19. Wow my wife would have loads in common with her....she works in a school
  20. I seem to spend most of mt time trying (baddly) to train my dog it's taken up tonnes of my time. I also shoot clays and am in a rifle club though the latter has taken a back seat. I go fly fishing a couple of times a month to spend time with my dad. I can take it or leave it but I know he always wanted one of us to go with him so I'm making up for lost time. Going out for a walk is something I love and looking at the wildlife. Taking the 5 year old out anywhere
  21. Nik_B

    this is the UK

    Sweet jesus 25 grand a year??
  22. This was a good one http://www.eafa.org.uk/catalogue/203805
  23. Wow brilliant. A time when lads were lads I wonder what the odds of anyone making a film like this nowadays are? Less that zero....
  24. p.s there's a bunch of jobs you can do. There's the first aid stuff, working overseas looking after rig/mine personel and liasing with local police/army, then there's health and safty (filling forms in) etc etc
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