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Everything posted by Nik_B

  1. How much did they charge to get rid of the 'virus' ?? Unless the virus was really a nasty one it shouldn't take them that much time to fix!
  2. Are you sure,cos no-one knows how many are here !! You're right...all we know is there's too bloody many. Went to our local farm shop on a friday and there's a mosque near it...they had parked their cars all over the grass verges...no respect at all dirty pigs. I've never seen anything like it round here. So we're moving on before we get swamped
  3. Nik_B


    Yeh but it's not like the guy's got a choice. If he didn't he'd become a hate figure for the loonies....
  4. Nik_B


    Cold...but more importantly dry!
  5. Nik_B


    I agree What most don't realise is how dependant the UK is on banking. Yes they're greedy swines but if it wasn't for the financial sector we'd not be able to afford the luxuries like the NHS etc
  6. Jesus I gotta stop reading these kind of posts it's bloody depressing. France has 6-7 million of them and we're no where close to 10% of the population. Lets keep it that way!
  7. This is a cracking idea. I'm struggling with my dog's enthusiasm. Sometimes he'll retreive and you can see he doesn't really want to. It does my head in...I can spice things up with a tennis ball but I fear I'm cheating and using his chase instinct instead.
  8. d'ya think he'll be alright? Too late for paracetamol. Cup of sweet tea and he'll be fine
  9. We don't get many hares round here so it's always nice to see them. Got a bollocking for shooting at one the very first time I went out because I thought it was a rabbit Nice vid
  10. http://www.cameras.co.uk/details/digital-cameras-under-100.cfm some stuff here for between 50-100
  11. Something like this? http://www.cameras.co.uk/reviews/fuji-finepix-jv200.cfm Best bet is do a search on google for cameras under 50 or 100 quid and look at the reviews. Stuff to look out for.....I pesonally would prefer one with a Lithium battery rather than AA, then you want to think about the memory that comes with it...probably wont get much and most of the time you should be able to buy a bigger memory card to fit more pics on it. Think if you increase you budget you'll get something pretty good for less than 100 quid but there are decent basic cameras for 50
  12. Did you film that yourself?
  13. am i the only one who finds it disturbing? If I saw 2 or 3 of those things near me I'd shoot first and then leg it...that's not human
  14. Nik_B

    new arrival :)

    Congrats and good luck! Mine was as nutty as a fruit cake for a good two years afterwards...she even said I was putting on an injury when I fell through the attic hatch and fecked my shoulder so I didn't ahve to hold the baby
  15. Are you still thinking of moving? Yes! Still looking around Oswestry/Ellesmere/St Martins etc Probably going to be a year or two before we can do it and the wife will need to find a job, but as she's a teacher she shouldn't have too many problems. There's loads of really nice looking places on the internet, we're planning to go for a weekend break to have a proper look around
  16. Gave me a good laugh that! poor kitty
  17. Interesting bit of trivia, Stockport was ranked 12th out of the 50 crappest towns to live in, in the UK. there are worse places, just not many
  18. great way to back up important stuff as well
  19. Yeh it's mental. Only a mile away. Seems wierd to dump it there though? Oh yeh it's only round the corner from the main police station as well
  20. I got suckered by grade 5 wood. Lovely looking gun but could of had soemthing just as good for half as much
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