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Everything posted by Nik_B

  1. My dad caught a nice Rudd while we were fly fishing for trout.
  2. Nice vid Jjust out of interest how old is he and how far do you recon he'd swam? It looks like quite a distance?
  3. A good question, the reason they gave was that by February 1945 it had become a major communication and transport hub due to the proximity to the eastern front which had significantly shifted westward. So when the Germans were still busy fighting the Russians in the Ukraine, Poland or Romania etc it was considered less a significant target, but once the Russians were knocking at the door of Germany and looking to make their final assaults it suddenly became a military target of higher importance. Like you say the demoralisation of the people and troops must have had a massive effect and I
  4. I'm amazed how quick people are to turn on each other. Before the full facts are even out people are looking for reasons why certain people shouldn't be allowed guns. The antis much be sitting back rubbing their hands on this. You can't tar everyone with the same brush just because one guy flips out, it would be almost as bad as banning all taxi drivers from shooting just because of Derrick Bird. Thankfully Cameron has stated that there are no plans to revisit the laws.
  5. Hard to read but here's the actual document http://www.afhso.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-110208-030.pdf
  6. US Air Force Historical Division published a report in the 1950s on the bombing of Dresden. "Dresden was an important industrial center with over 110 factories and industrial enterprises that employed 50,000 workers. These factories made armaments (shells and ammunition), torpedo parts, aircraft parts, field radios and telephones, steering elements for U-boats, specialized turbines for the Navy, X-ray equipment and precision optical instruments. There was also a poison gas factory and an anti-aircraft and field gun factory. Dresden was also a key junction in the railroad system for German
  7. Yep I agree lucky for harris he was much loved by his crews and he used to turn up to reunions (if that's the right word). What the dopey post war politicians failed to realise was that the RAF had tried precision bombing for many years and it generally failed and led to very high loses. The mass bombing campaign was for safety in numbers and to reduce the % of bombers lost while increasing the chance of hitting the targets. Virtually ever mission was to target industry and not civilians but as a bonus a city that burned well would by default have a greater effect on the industry by causin
  8. I'm only 39 but I find that something is always hurting, and usually when one thing stops another thing starts. Any kind of injury I would have shrugged off years ago now seems to take months to go away. I tripped over the dog about 5 months ago and I still get a bit of a twinge from the sprained wrist I got from that.
  9. pigeon breast sliced on toast with bacon makes me drool Anything home made especially bread
  10. and the poor buggers never got a campaign medal. Harris was treated like a leper. It's disgusting when you consider 50,000 bomber aircrew lost their lives. The leftie wierdos spent all their time concentrating on Dresden and asking whether it was really necessary but the fact remains Germany was a very dangerous enemy right up to the end. The damage done it its industry and the general disruption done to those cities will have contributed massively to her down fall.
  11. Good question...the snow was predicted all week and yet the fecking council still didn't grit the roads round here. They are useless w*nkers they really are. At least I could finally justify driving a gas guzzling 4x4 for once P.s nice photos
  12. Wouldn't fancy trying to dig frozen ground...that must take some doing! We just did some clays yesterday, we all looked like michlin men and no one could hit anything because of all the layers we were wearing. Well that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.
  13. F**king hell that made me laugh
  14. A couple of times I thought it wasn't working and tested it again on myself...but it definately was! I try not to use very high settings but you have to fight the right setting for each dog. The other thing that is vital is to not use it when they are near other dogs or people as it could cause all kind of problems like agression. As yuo say it's a last resort, it is likely to cause a bit of stress as they probably are wondering if they are going to get nipped when off the lead. It has made my life much easier, I don't shout or get stressed out because he's f**cked off and wont come b
  15. yep and what ever anyone says it isn't a nice feeling the dog gets from it. I read in shooting mags that they try and make it sound like it's a mild feeling "raising the hair on his back" and thats total bollocks. I've tried it on my self a few time lol
  16. I have reached the last resort with my dog. It's entirely my own fault as I made a lot of mistakes in the first year so it's a shame that I have to resort to an e-collar. I only use it for recall training and to break his chase instinct if he is off the lead, it took a week for his recall to be near perfect but I did it under the supervision of a very experienced trainer. I don't use it for anything else as it is likely to cause further problems.
  17. Mine has the pager function so you can give them a buzz (vibration) to get their attention rather than using the nip.
  18. The make is Dogtra. Not exactly sure which one it is but they've got a website so you can see the difference between the models.
  19. I've been thinking about doing this. I've also got a mid rib bead aswell and it drives me nuts. I find it so tempting to look at both the beads and see if they are lined up. Bad habit that comes from shooting rifles as well I guess. When I just look at the target and ignore teh bead I shoot much better...probably because I don't stop swinging the barrel.
  20. I'll check what make mine is but it wasn't cheap. Think I paid 160 quid for it. Not sure if you've used one before but if you haven't you might want to get some sound advice off someone who knows their stuff. I had a 1 hour lesson to condition my dog because at first they don't understand what is happening and their first instinct is to run away. Within a very short time I hardly had to use it and it's really helped with recall but I wouldn't ever let him off the lead without it. Edited to say...I'm asuming you meant an e-collar for dog training?
  21. Jesus what a p*ss take. I'm lucky to be pretty good with computers but I've never had a problem I couldn't fix. 200 Euros is outrageous! I got the wife a Kindle for Xmas, she loves it. The only thing she could do with is the case that has a little reading light built into it. I'm now looking forward to the day our house isn't cluttered up with all those crime fiction books she reads.
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