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Everything posted by Nik_B

  1. Been convicted of driving, claims 200 grand a year in expenses and now he's attacked people in the bar...he should lose his job.
  2. most people wouldn't believe there were wallabies living wild in the UK either
  3. and 4ft long....that would have to be a big moggie!
  4. agree on skin colour but culture is a different matter. Any group of people can have a 'culture' chavs, blacks, middle class and yes backward muslims from a third world dump. I don't think we should ever excuse bad culture just because it happens to belong to an ethnic group. Same rules and laws should apply to all and the sooner this is made clear the sooner people might get closer to living in peace.
  5. nuts.... What makes the rare occasion I get out so great is just being outside
  6. dirty f**kers...bet they get hardly anything
  7. Been happening for years. The government didn't want to know for fear of upsetting certain communities and no one took action. It came down to the BNP to report this stuff years ago and still no one listened, of course anyone who then agreed with the BNP were then marginalised and ignored. You have to wonder what exactly those white families were supposed to do when no one including police, local government etc did anything to stop it. Thank god things are changing
  8. No other way unless you're in France Mine went down well, apart from the first one but isn't that a given? Number one turns out to be a total abortion or ends up on the floor...after that it all comes back
  9. Nik_B

    dog sh*t

    LOL I love my my car too much to put dog sh*t in it! It's not like the bin men have to actually touch anything these days it's 90% automated...easy life yea i love mine so use the wifes 11 plate touran when she aint looking PMSL
  10. yep but the world isn't a fair place and many people get discriminated against them for various reasons unfortunately they don't belong to a special club that protects them. My brothers wife is a scouser living down south and she has had it because of her accent, I've had it because I worked in a muslim country, etc etc.... In the end the people who get respect are the ones that crack on and don't cry about silly stuff...especially when you're getting paid millions
  11. People are more intolerant (racist??) now because of that stuff that 10 or 15 years ago
  12. Nik_B

    dog sh*t

    LOL I love my my car too much to put dog sh*t in it! It's not like the bin men have to actually touch anything these days it's 90% automated...easy life
  13. I had the piss taken for being a catholic back when the IRA were doing their thing and I was at school. Luckily I'm not such a delicate flower and I am not scarred from it
  14. Racism is not a big thing in modern society.....its a big thing in British society !!!......no other c**t gives a f**k about it.......and who are we to tell the rest of the world what they can talk or sing about......if Portugese men want to shout and sing about monkeys who are we to say " no you cant do that ".....we cant tell folk how to live their lives ......just because we are totally obssessed with this racism word dont mean to say everybody else is........ And personally i couldnt give 2 shits about being called a white honkey or a white cracker.......i know im white ......you can
  15. If it's where I think it is then it's unlikely anyone would go down there.
  16. There was a nice little section on Ferreting with whippets. I like this kind of stuff as I don't know hardly anything about ferreting or running dogs. Anyway here it is for anyone that's interested from about 7 minutes 30 onwards.
  17. http://www.cavesdenormandie.com/Calvados-normandie.htm 1968 Calvados Morise 108 Euros on here
  18. thats the best pound per acre Need abit of knowledge to grow that stuff outside in this country, Cheers fd. Not really for me that - I want to be able to relax whilst I'm at home, not fearing for a knock on the door off the old bill! just harvest a bit you`ll soon relax It also causes paranoia
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