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Everything posted by Nik_B

  1. Nik_B


    My only problem with the IPAD and those touch screen phones is I am totally OCD about finger prints on screens so I'd be cleaning it every ten seconds.
  2. Righto mate sorry just wasn't 100% sure. I've never ever changed my chokes and can't even remember which ones they are. The way I see it is if I miss then it probably wouldn't have mattered what I'd been using. The clay ground I go to has all these competition types there who change their chokes on each stand...not my bag at all. ATB
  3. I still think there should be a bit of common sense involved. A man in a field hundreds of metres away from anyone else isn't posing a risk with or without a shotgun. I'm not saying they should just stroll over but surely they should react accordingly to the situation. In that video they aren't pointing their gun at anyone. When it happened to you did they point their weapons at you? I appreciate they've got a hard job to do but maybe when they receive a call about a 'man with a gun' they could easily ask a few questions about what exactly the man is doing etc. Once a caller starts to
  4. Mark Gilcrest has a video on his youtube page showing you what to expect should some clown report you to the police for using a gun. Has anyone ever had the armed response called out while shooting? I've never had the experience thank god but I can't help but imagine they aren't quite as calm as you see in this video.
  5. LOL I used to piss in my bosses coffee as often as I could get the chance. He was a total dick
  6. http://www.hoton-clay-club.co.uk/Shotgun_chokes_explained.html
  7. I dont bother changing my chokes. a) I'm not that good that it should matter and b ) I forget which is which. Still it would be nice to have that versatility so if you're getting a new gun or have the choice of one with and one without I would probably go for the multi choke because I imagine it's easier to sell them and later down the line you might find a situation where a certain choke set up is idea for what you are shooting. This all depends on what you use the gun for and how good you are. Not being an ass...do you know what chokes are? Just you said "Not sure what it means"
  8. Nik_B

    London slums

    Every time one of them takes even the worst job it's a job that should have been filled by someone who is unemployed young or old. The government just wont acknowledge the damage to our society. Every child raised in a home where the parents never work are set bad examples and school leavers can end up on the scrap heap before they've even had a chance in life. When I was young the first couple of jobs were terrible but it gave you the inspiration to try harder and move on for either money or for a more fulfilling job. The companies that hire foreign workers for unskilled jobs are doing
  9. Technically you can use a dummy launcher on public land however I wouldn't be too surprised if you get the armed response full treatment including helicopters You can use a starter pistol also providing you've got legitimate use i.e. dog training but that is likely to get the police if a member of the public sees you firing it in the air. I was thinking about doing the same but I really don't want the agro of the police turning up pumped up full of adrenaline and hoping to shoot someone. I can't imagine looking down the wrong end of an MP5 is very nice. Here's the article from BAS
  10. I think they were saying that the KC should have rules that prevent dogs with genetic illnesses from being showed. That would then discourage the breeders for only breeding for looks.
  11. I just finished watching it. What a shame the original dogs they come from look so much nicer than they do now like the Dashund, Bulldog, Sheppard and Basset.
  12. It's like when Nick Griffin was allowed on BBC2. Instead of giving a good argument than many people in this country agree with he started talking a load of shyte. He did more damage than good and he might as well work for the lefties who think mass immigration is wonderful. Now anyone who is against them coming over and taking the jobs away from our kids is branded racist by people who clearly don't ahve to worry about such things.
  13. Nik_B

    London slums

    Fat bellies on the people in the video. Doubt they're starving that much!
  14. Is there a big difference in the taste between the different types of deer? When I've had venison I've no idea what kind of deer it came from. Does the word venison cover all kinds of deer like muntjac as well?
  15. Keith Floyd had a recipe for Pike and Hugh Fernley twittingstall cooked one in River cottage. I agree they don't look very tasty but was just curious. Bet my 5 year old would eat one, she's the biggest carnivore I've ever met. Once I showed her a trout I caught for her and she licked it's head
  16. Nik_B

    London slums

    ha ha you beat me to it...I just read it. Trying to keep my blood pressure down at the moment but between this and the article in the telegraph about illegal immigrants getting free treatment for HIV, it's not easy! Clearly our border agencies are doing a top job
  17. When I got my Lab I looked for a KC registered dog. To be honest I thought it was the right thing to do to make sure I got a good healthy dog. Edited to say...Is this just the show dogs that are affected by these problems or are the working strains as bad? I imagine field spaniels and labs are bread for their abilities rather than their looks so wouldn't this mean it was less likely to have problems?
  18. Nice fish mate. Ever tried eating one?
  19. Definitely, the hard bit is to get a good reputation for it. Good luck.
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