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Everything posted by Nik_B

  1. Some muslim kid wrote something offensive on a tribute to the 6 British soldiers that were killed recently. Think he's got the same treatment. Public pages on facebook and twitter are considered public domain so it would be the same as saying this in the street.
  2. Ended up working the entire season so never got the chance to get out
  3. Top pics. I love just getting out of the house for any reason doesn't have to be sport and I hate seeing my daughter sitting inside doing nothing. Looks like you lad had a top time
  4. Nik_B


    When we did ours they made sure the door was open and that they could see you.
  5. Nik_B


    I know people who got tested for working offshore and some of them had smoked it a week before and they passed. Obviously the longer you go the better the chance of a pass.
  6. Nik_B

    your nan!!

    My dad's mum was ace. Shame she died a few years ago, she survived the blitz and was tough as nails.
  7. feck the bin...put it in the wood burner then get rid of the wood burner
  8. Nik_B


    if it was a blood test it would be gone in no time at all apparently.
  9. Nik_B


    If they are random tests then it's not likely you will get one on Tuesday. Unfortunately the best thing is to pack it in all together, it is detectable for up to 2 weeks in urine if you are a regular user.
  10. I found a full clip of 7.92 Kar98 ammunition when I was in France. It was near a system of WW2 German bunkers. I was well chuffed and thought it was pretty interesting but then realised that I would be breaking the law and be hung out to dry if caught with them on the ferry home. The were corroded and unusable but knowing customs....
  11. I opened the front door to the postman once and he just sprinted off down the road! I had to run after him as I wanted my post. I do keep him locked in the dinning room when the doorbell goes now if I know who it is. He isn't aggressive just gets really excited and his tail thrashes the legs of any new visitor.
  12. The photos in the mail show one officer getting attacked then the other climbs on a wall....what happened to their pepper spray?
  13. Looks a bit big for a staffie! Even though I do agree with PlasticJock you can bet it was probably an aggressive animal with an even worse owner. Shame scum are allowed dogs in the same way they are allowed kids. I wouldn't want my dog to attack anyone even if they break into my house, I'd rather lose all my stuff that risk him getting killed. Even though he's a lab he is a brilliant early warning dog and lets us know if there is anyone outside the house and goes mental if the door bell goes...even though it really gets on my nerves it is very useful for door to door salesmen and t
  14. It's worse for parents on more money to be honest. I know this might sound odd but a child from a lower income family will get a full maintenance loan plus possibly a bursary as well. We will have to pay 3 grand a year to help with the living costs of our daughter. Without sounding tight why shouldn't she be able to borrow the full maintenance loan as well? We are being forced to contribute money we can't afford. This budget has been a big kick in the nuts for the so called middle classes as all budgets are.
  15. what about if you had a driving test or any other type of exam? done loads of exams over the years, same applies.....get up early, do your revision or whatever for the first half of the day with plenty of short breaks (i.e. 10 mins per hour), and then the second half of the day go fishing and just forget all about it, you'll sleep like a log that night, when you go back to it the day after your brain will be ready to go again Don't do it the other way round though, you're always buggered after a few hours of fresh air! Yeh I never revised in the evening. Morning and early afternoon for w
  16. We're all just going to keep getting poorer...might as well get used to it
  17. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-17442946 Unless you are a nun then it's not good
  18. Is that for life? Seems a bit draconian to me.
  19. Similarities between this attack and the two separate shootings of French paratroopers...sounds more like a terrorist to me.
  20. Nik_B

    Wellie boots

    I'm inclined to agree a bit here, I've two pairs both leather lined and neoprene lined. There's nothing wrong with them in my opinion but the price is just eye watering.
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