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Everything posted by Nik_B

  1. You've got two choices. Let wages fall to keep up competitiveness or have our industry produce something those other countries cannot I'm thinking new or modern inventions.
  2. Hi bud buzzers are great as well as many other flies but it depends on what they are feeding on. Just as important, if not more important, is getting the depth right. Once you've cast out count in seconds before retrieving and fish like that in an arc. If you get no joy start the arc again and let the line sink longer the next time. Once your covered all the depth ranges you can then try different flies. Lures are great most of the time because if you get the depth right the trout can't seem to resist them as a lure triggers their attack response...a bit like a cat with a piece of
  3. ATF hits the nail on the head...what the hell was he doing there in the first place. You don't hang around with a pack of low life scrotes black or white...they are never going to accept an outsider. I'd do a stealth job on the turds and find out where they live, screw Queensbury rules and that milarky.
  4. I did it and my computer didn't explode
  5. Nik_B

    roy lupton

    Can't see anyway he isn't genuine
  6. Agree with the OP and people try and say there is poverty in this country lol
  7. is that a monkey skull f**king a frog? I'm wondering if someone spiked my red wine with LSD
  8. If the last report he did on Lurchers and hare coursing is anything to go by I would switch channel right now!
  9. I like Sporting Gun but I'm one of the novices so I've learned loads from it. Others I have bought are Shooting Times which I found rubbish and The Field which is just slightly above my station but still it's interesting to read and covers different kinds of field sport (for the wealthy).
  10. Sad fecker you need to get out more Must of been just me these f@ckers found it funny http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xH0xorgUoI you owe me 4 minutes and 6 seconds please
  11. Calling me an extreme hunter would be like calling Mother Theresa a prostitute
  12. Nice flagging We just had to jet wash ours as the porous sand stuff you put in between the flags was clogged up with black silty muck. Now we've got gaps between the flags because the pressure washer blasted the sand out.
  13. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/amnesty-for-hosepipe-owners-as-drought-bites-7606223.html
  14. my mum's alergic to them. she has to carry an injection in case she gets stung :-(
  15. Nice looking dogs especially like the GWP
  16. We are different to people of African decent http://news.discovery.com/human/genetics-neanderthal-110718.html Also Neanderthals weren't stupid grunts either they were much more highly evolved than the common use of the word makes you think. I've got a really good book somewhere about the history of the human race and it covers the migration of people from Africa.
  17. Yeh happens to us when the water board have been monkeying around with the pipes.Give it an hour or two or leave you tap running and see if it clears up. In the mean time you will have to drink beer so have a good day
  18. Yeh a criminal offence for a silly comment is nuts and surely the cops should have better things to do but 'racism' is way up on the top of the list. Funny how imbalanced the law can be, like SH says, one group actually cause harm and get off and another goes to jail for words. There is no freedom of speach and more importantly there is NO anonymity on the internet.
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