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Everything posted by Nik_B

  1. Nik_B

    My Pigs!

    Brill That first photo the pig looks like it was smiling at you But that sandwich does look mighty tasty
  2. I knew a guy from Colorado who called it the "Make My Day Law"
  3. Thats sad Even though I agree I jumped in a lake to get my dog on holiday. He looked like he was drowning.
  4. Same here and the price they ask for game is taking the piss. They're even charging £1.5 or £2 per pigeon!!!
  5. Hi Mal I've got a medium sized one we don't use anymore. Got a bit of a dent but works fine. Nick
  6. My 6 year old loves it. I fry mine in butter and serve with crispy bacon and a bit of rocket on some toast If I've got it a bit of black pudding as well
  7. To be fair the mk70 is the 525 and the 725 is the new one. I know a few people who tried the 725 and liked it.
  8. I think they look a bit expensive for what you get. Grade 2.5 wood for £1750 quid....I've got a miroku MK70 which has grade 5 wood and cost between £2200 and £2300, I cant remember exactly. I appreciate they're a new design etc but it just seems a bit dear.
  9. As far as I know they don't really feed in fresh water anyway. I'd say that the visibility in flooding rivers isn't very good so that's why you'd struggle to catch.
  10. You need to put muslims or badgers or something in your post if it's going to stay on the front page of the General section for more than 5 minutes. Here I've fixed it for you....good luck with the post "anybody ever come across this x for bushing?? iv seen a couple recently an they seem to be cracking wee dogs for getting muslims/badgers/tories/police out cover for the lurchers"
  11. chucking it down here and my cellar is flooding Just been out for a couple of hours with the dog and while we both got slightly damp I love the fact there isn't a single sole in sight
  12. Can u believe this bullsh*t has been going on for 8 years??
  13. You're not wrong about vets I'll not go yet because otherwise I'd come home with a basket of pills and other rubbish. I think he's got a sore backside or his anal glands might flare up but he did have a right tumble while retrieving a dummy so maybe he has hurt his tail. Anyway we just went out for a couple of hours and he was his usual self except he doesn't want to sit...rather he squats with his arse about an inch off the ground. I'll see how he gets on the next day or two. Thanks for the reply
  14. I noticed last night my Labs tail was right down. The last time I saw him like this was when he had a problem with his anal glands. But this time there's no nasty smell coming from him. He also looks a bit quiet. I'm going to leave it a day or so and I am sure he'll perk up but should I leave training or going out for long walks or just see how it goes? Cheers Nick
  15. We just take ours with us now. To got to France was dead easy, just needed rabies jab and tapeworm before coming home.
  16. Yep used properly they can be a good tool but lets face it if the dog was trained properly from the start without skipping the important bits then people like myself wouldn't have to use them. There is a lesson to be learned here and it's one that I will never forget because I hated having to use the bloody thing and secondly they aren't stupid and know when it is and isn't on so you might be stuck with having your dog wearing a collar for years and people asking about it etc
  17. I was just going to post this HAHA....but then they don't wipe their arses do they LOL
  18. Think it was on Jerremy Vine's radio show on BBC2 I heard yesterday. They were describing in total horror how "Trained marksmen" would be shooting badgers with "high powered rifles and night vision goggles". The woman who is also on his show literally muttered something like "Oh my god" I nearly crashed the f**king car!
  19. my little one cracks me up sometimes, he's picked up a bit with his Aberdonian Granma being down here now as well as the wife! "Where's the TV remote son?" "A da ken dad!" First time I ever worked on a rig off Aberdeen I got a phone call from a guy with a really strong Aberdonian accent and what with all the noise in the background I just couldn't understand what he was saying. After politely saying "Ermm I'm sorry mate can you say that again" 3 times he just swore and hung up...at least that is what I thought he said Now I am pretty fluent and don't cringe with awkward
  20. Can't beat a bit of Doric to mess with your head
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