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Everything posted by Nik_B

  1. Nik_B

    x factor

    I'd shag the rip in a fir coat no need to watch that pile of crap to see a bit of fluff
  2. mate while i've got 1 of these, no fcuker will touch me Bull cross?
  3. Nik_B


    I asked a question in the moderation forum here if we could maybe do something from the site after I spoke on the phone to another member about it. Ian B suggested maybe creating a unique PayPal account set up to accept donations, then adding it to the site. Not sure how we'd go about though.. Something simple like this would be great. And a link stickied at the top of the general part of the forum. ATB Nick
  4. Self inflicted, your fault for contacting them Well he was trying to do the right and sensible thing before discharging a shotgun close to other peoples homes to avoid getting an MP5 shoved up his nose. I don't know about you but one thing that scares me is the police with guns...it's not like they're well known for thinking twice before blowing some poor buggers head off.
  5. Anyone find it odd they found his car in a garage but must have abducted the girl at 7pm? How many garages are open at that time?? Something very strange has gone on here.
  6. I am sure your right mate, but to be honest I can live with maybe being labeled an over protective parent........I would rather be that than the other thing. I have had to take chances every day of my working life but the one thing I won't take a chance with is my babies no matter what. Yep I cant disagree with that. I am also a parent so I am not saying I let my kids roam free either because I don't and I worry about anything happening to them. I just hate the way the media has us all paralysed with fear
  7. Mmmm looks very nice I had to google what a JML was...is it any good? Bet it saves on electricity. Cheers Nick
  8. Sorry didn't see the first post where you said you already complained. I'd be interested to hear what happens and also how much use BASC were. Apart from the total waste of police resources it's very worrying to see the police over react to the legal use of guns and hunting Cheers Nick
  9. F*ck me is this serious?? you need to complain at the very least.
  10. WILF it's mainly media hysteria that makes people think their kids are in more danger than they used to be. I'm more concerned about the huge percentage of childrenw ho hardly ever venture outside and lead sedentary lifestyles leading to obesity and diabetes. Those kids don't even get a chance at leading a normal life. Most kids are murdered or interfered with by someone they know, this has pretty much always been the case and there is very little that anyone can do about it unless we are all going to stop trusting friends parents and family members. I appreciate it might not be approp
  11. Poached eggs Anything else would be insane
  12. My dog loves carrots, parsnips and turnips. Carrots are the only food that will make him run off and eat it in private so no one can take it away from him lol
  13. and to dispose of a childs body (or anyones body) in a bin liner like a piece of rubbish is just disgusting. I hope he gets beaten to death in prison
  14. I've got a feeling it isn't this guy. Hope I'm wrong but it reminds me of the murder of that young woman in Bristol where they had that weird looking landlord getting grilled for days on end.
  15. . Wilf i know what your saying but its not that long ago when kids could play out yes i agree with you analogy. To an exstent but HAVE WE JUST GIVE UP ON ARE SOCITY DO WE LET THE LAW MAKERS AND LAW BREAKERS DICTATE TO US. HAVE ARE KIDS NO RIGHTS. THE RIGHT TO PLAY IN THE STREET ! FOOOK ME WILF. THERE ALL RIGHT AT TERRORISTS AND EVERY OTHER FOOKERS HUMAN RIGHTS. TIME TO SORT ARE OWN. Peodophilia was way more common years ago than today. The difference now is every case is in the papers.
  16. I quite fancy converting...any tips to becoming proper welsh?
  17. Nik_B

    Wild Boar

    There was a bit on fieldsports brittain a while back. He went to africa to hunt. Was pretty good.
  18. Not likely I admit but wouldn't you be in the **** if you got pulled by the police on the way to the gunshop?
  19. I lived near Camborne for a year. I loved it
  20. Put a blob of both on the side of your plate then you can enjoy both. I'd also go for a nice bit of black pudding and a fried egg.
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