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Everything posted by bob.243

  1. Great picts, what size lense you using?
  2. bob.243


    nother photo that didn't load up.
  3. bob.243


    Snatched a photo of this Sparrowhawk on my garage roof through my kitchen window, I wondered why the garden went quiet it usually bussling with small birds.
  4. The soft c***s will probably change our name to The United Kingdomistan!
  5. Enough is enough! Get these scum bags out of our country you soft b*****ds in Whitehall!!!
  6. Thank you all for your encouraging information. Bob.
  7. Hi Charlie, Thank you for your very informative reply. Bob.
  8. Hi, I would like to know your thoughts on the .22 Hornet. Bob.
  9. Cheers Jamie. what you looking to put it on bob243 Hi Jamie, I've just put it on my .22LR but not used it yet, I've had it for 4 or 5 years now but never used it on anything, so I dug it out and thought I'd give it a go, it's a 3.5-10x50. I was just curious to know if anyone else had one, as I never see anything about them on forums, there always seems to be plenty about Hawke, Bushnell, Simmons etc. When I was a kid it was all BSA, air rifles, shotguns etc, and it was top quality to me, I bought my first shotgun at age 15 in the 60s, it was a BSA Snipe single barrelled shotgun,
  10. Hi, Good shooting, nice photo, nice looking rifle, what is the make and caliber of rifle. Cheers Bob.
  11. HI, Anyone use a BSA Catseye Scope, any good? Cheers.
  12. Hi, Your views on BSA Catseye Scopes. Bob.
  13. whats sad is that you have to come on this thread and complain ! who cares about your dogs i dont and i will shoot all the foxes i can. besides what does it matter any how what we do on land we have permission on ? even if we didnt shoot the foxes who's to say you would get permission. Here Here!
  14. Have a 6x18-50 Bushnell Dusk to Dawn on my .17HMR it's pin sharp and great for lamping. Bob.
  15. rather opinionated aren't we! firstly i live in Cornwall and there isn't any munty's down here....yet! .308 isnt over kill for roe i know of people that use them and there is very little meat damage at all. and as for the comment about compensating for bad shooting, .308 would be terrible choice due to bullet trajectory. There fore hindering the people that aren't good shots! secondly i also travel to south afroca and .308 is is the caliber of choise for a lot of PH's. so thanks, but no thanks for what shoddy advice you offer.
  16. Have a look at this. http://www.gunweek.com/2005/feature1010.html McAvoy in Wigan are selling brand new Mossberg .308s complete with scope for £475. www.guns.gb.com Have a look in thier web site. Good luck. Bob.
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