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Everything posted by bob.243

  1. 1st one could be a female crossbill' the second one is a bullfinch.
  2. bob.243


    Snowing here in Aberdeenshire.
  3. Good luck with your new set up, sounds a nice one, lets know how you get on.
  4. Good story & shooting, .22-250 nice rifle for the job.
  5. Hi Oakwood, have a look at this one. http://www.precisionrifles.com/
  6. Hi luke, Seen a few black ones up my way over the years and are always smaller, even though they live amongst and I would assume breed with the natural brown ones, just must be the strain of them, probably escaped or let off pets at one time?
  7. Have a look on the net Allydog, there are lots of write ups and ballistic tables on there.
  8. Brilliant photos, what camera and lense are you using?
  9. It's a grey male wagtail in it's winter plumage
  10. Glad your long trek was worth it, well done
  11. There will only be anti's as long as Tesco's and Morrison's shelves are full, but if there were to be some sort of disaster and the shelves were empty, it wouden't be long before they would be licking our boots.
  12. Hi Kay, yes lens converters are worth buying as long as you buy qualiy, the downside with them is you get a slower exposure, IE you will be 2-3 "f" lower as they will let in less light, but in good light that shouden't be a problem or if you use a tripod, I think Japanese are about the best opticts these days as all the quality cameras come from there, IE Nikon Cannon etc. Bob.
  13. Hi Jonno, Try this site. www.rimfiremagic.co.uk
  14. Have the 550 Lux in .308, it's brill
  15. Hi Deker, If you look at the left side of your action and barrel close to your action you will see a number, this is the year of manufacture. Bob.
  16. This one hasen't came out right either, it's supposed to be a Savage T3
  17. Yes it was a big one T.O. quite heavy, did not wiegh it, but there is an even bigger one going around, it has a bit of an attitude like it's king of the castle sort to speak, it's been within shooting range but at the time the backdrop wasn't right, some day maybe?
  18. Ned for PM. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QST5YolmAG0&feature=related
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