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Everything posted by unforgiven

  1. That it toatally out of order!!!!! There isnt an excuss for these things, doesn't matter how much you try and dull it down (IF YOU CAN). Why are these people allowed dogs at all, never mind 1 of that calliber... Don't think it will be long before terrier type dogs or dogs of certain breeds are licenced and honestly after reading and watching that WHO WOULD BLAME THEM !!!! I will say this, if that was a relation of mine or a close friend the owner would struggle to walk and that dog wouldnt see the next day !! BUT AGAIN WHO'S AT FAULT THE DOG OR THE OWNER ( MAYBE BOTH )
  2. now that is a fine example of an earth dog good stuff mate good pict there buddy.
  3. very strange topic this forum gets them ..
  4. has not set their status

  5. Hi all Just sayin hello , heard alot about this forum (good and bad) so thought i'd jion for my own oppinion . Had dogs and hunted for years. Sadly ownly owned a computer for 2 months . Its my sons .
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