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Everything posted by unforgiven

  1. another couple. talk about variety
  2. At It again messing around , got some not to good pics . practice,practice,practice.
  3. Shows are just something to do in the summer months, meet friends have a crack, some people work and show their dogs, some only work them but many dont work them so what, working dog owners move in their own circles, breed from workers or mates workers for what they require, not interested in looks. I have always had lurchers to work but many years ago I was fortunate to have a beautiful looking good worker so In the summer I showed her with some success, if I won great, if i didnt I enjoyed the day out. For the past 20 years I have had non show type but still go for the crack, I have mad
  4. Hi all decided to treat my self to a Nikkon D500 with 70mm-300mm Nikkon lense . I'm an ameture but am enjoying the chalenge .
  5. Tosser............ The SSPCA / RSPCA are nothing more than hipped up suposid animal lovers , animal lovers who put more animals to sleep than more people would believe or understand (the whole never put a healthy dog down SHITE LMAO,) if they actually paid as much attention to animals as they do to polishing there shoes maybe we wouldn't be in this state of affares. What I also find strange is that the people who do most of the reporting to these want a be plod IS HONEST PEOPLE WITH HONEST DOGS !!!!! YES THATS RIGHT YOU'LL PROBABLY FIND IT'S SOME ONE WITH WORKING DOGS WHO HAS A CH
  6. Would this be a lurcher and terrier ? Heard it had its share of boys in blue in the past . Just dont give them ammo guy's
  7. Looks a bit of a tool there ...
  8. Must say been out with the pack on several occasions and may I say ,this was by far the hardest graft since the ban. If only we could get the reprieve. BFTBS a couple a picts as promised lad there not as good as expected. It was a graft, and well worth the effort involved, now that I think about it the Port, Brandy and Rum wasn't hard to find .Hope the terrier comes back as game as ever mate .Not seen a case like that for a few years,heres hoping its a few more before we see it again. Great Event , Thanks again.
  9. There is certanley sense in what you say but again " What is an honest lad with goog honest working dogs" As Cleanspade said "His standards are diffrent from mine as is mine diffrent from yours" Again if every one actually stood up and got acounted for in Field Sports instead of trying to out do the next lad and there dog . HONESTLY AT TIMES WE ARE OUR OWN WORST ENEMY ..... PS read my signature. atb unforgiven
  10. Nice strong looking dog there bud .
  11. Dear BBC Viewer Thank you for your e-mail regarding 'Countryfile'. I understand that this particular edition was one sided and factually inaccurate. Hare coursing has been illegal since 2005 and we presented it as such in the programme. You can find details of the actual Parliament Bill below: http://www.parliament.the-stationery-office.co.uk/pa/cm200001/cmbills/002/01002--i.htm#sch3ptI That being said, it's not for 'Countryfile' to make value judgements on what should or shouldn't be a crime. Nevertheless we cannot agree it was an attack on hunting per se. I hope this helps to clarify the sit
  12. do you have a link to the forum ?
  13. Amazing the way thing are turned . The bbc should be ashamed .
  14. All the very best with the young un. Heres hoping theres a reprieve this time next year and get her bussy
  15. Some great point raised there guys , its not often that the hunting community disaree for all the right reasons with the same goals at the end of the day !!!! Long may it continue...
  16. Great picts there bud , nice to see people putting time into there dogs atb unforgiven
  17. great books there Working Terriers,Badgers and Badger Digging- H.H.King (only 250 copies originally published in 1931)
  18. Reading a book just now and cme accross this topic, heres a little insite .. The work of a terrier is,or was,the destruction of vermin-rats,weasels,stoats,hedgehogs,foxes,otters and ofcourse badgers-and the word terrier originally implied a small dog used for this purpose. With the coming of dog-shows owners were providedwith another object for which such dogs might be bredand used-the winning of prizes to be awarded for make and shape and general apperance-and at the present time far more terriers are bred for show than for work. There are in the British Isles many distinct breeds most,if
  19. I understand what you are saying to an extent but come on now,,,,,,,,,theres plenty of idiots out there and deranged dogs as well . You have to blame the dog as well. Or do you say well its not the owners fault its his parents who never brought him up well with dogs............. Comeon now............... Sorry the buck has to stop somewere.........
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