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Everything posted by beefcurry

  1. i scratch pure thai thru and thru and she pulled you know and i know
  2. well i accepted your challenge im still waiting on your pm
  3. pm time date and stake best of five. it seems like your some kind of gang so only the owner and a friend will turn up with sam i pick the fen that will be on the day of the race by phone
  4. i can see your some one to be revered as your fluent in tongues
  5. yes i have mate. have you also seen him run if so where . because i dont think you have and what proven stock as he produced can you say
  6. all i stated was that buddy was niether proven nor has he produced proven stock you insulted me by changing my name and challenging me to name my stock . but we wasnt talking about my stock we was talking about the credibility of buddy can you please tell me with out insulting me where and when buddy has proven himself and also when we are on the subject what stock by him has proven itself . please put the names up no need to get upset if you can put up proven names i will be the first to apologise and while we are at it also put up what proven bitches hes covered and if you can put bitches n
  7. buddy was never proven he was at best very average on very average hares nor is he a proven producer
  8. i have never seen a saluki as heavily muscled as the white bitch above considering they are a flat muscled dog it looks like its on the roids to me
  9. i know that sabuk is dead , he died this time last year sabuk has already produced some good offspring , they are doing exceptionally well in the USA i i have never seen a saluki so heavily muscled seeing as they are a flat muscled dog is it on the roids some pics of Bousseh Dam http://i192.photobucket.com/albums/z69/frankiemorley/yasmina3.jpg[/i
  10. and i seen her run as well she was a very good animal when she wanted it but on occassions her handbrake would stick on
  11. he wasnt every ones cup of tea but he straightened the dancer lines out when put to her because every one in the know knew what she was
  12. whats happened with whin a very knowledgeable feller whin
  13. the antis are doing theyre home work now theres twelve of the scum watching in now keep every thing to pms lads and dont answer any from newly registered members these loonies will do anything to cause disruption to this march we need to show the media that we are peacefull and expose the loonies and the propaganda that they have spread to the public and let this corrupt government and the new incoming tory government know that we wont go away and this corrupt ban must be over turned and a free vote is to be had
  14. why would it be better .its a lot lighter with snow so you will be seen by the bunnys much the same as a full moon and a lot noisier with the snow frozen under foot you probably dont need a lamp never mind a blue filter
  15. theres not a mark on him so hes done very little yet your talking about covering bitches with him why when you say youve got other lurchers as well
  16. so will it kill a winter hare in the day and stop charlie
  17. there a bus load of us ready at any time
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