Ok sorry I didnt know that. How do you mean when you say pics of lurcher with foxes has been stopped? Does that mean its not allowed to post them anymore?
How would that work then? would everyone not be talking at once and it would be mayhem? or would it be like a free phone call thru the pc instead of using the dog and bone? tell me a bit more so I can decide how to vote
there is no best dog, theres good big ones and bad big ones, same for small dogs. in general the smaller the dog the less likely it is to see its prey in heavy cover, tall grass etc and it may have a harder time bringing down bigger game or anything that would put up a healthy struggle. but the saying goes its not the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog i have seen some good and bad in a range of sizes so any size that does the job will do for me.
good hunting
It seems a liberty to shoot such an amazing athlete which runs so well with a good dog behind it. I would rather watch a hare run by a dog than see it shot any day of the week.
it just seems odd that you would have a dog off the lead in the street at that time of the morning, good to hear there was someone with the dog though. hope it gets better soon
how did a smackhead manage to ride his bike into your dog at 6 o clock in the morning? did he ride the bike into your garden, your house or your dog kennel or was the dog wandering the streets by any chance?
thats how your post reads sorry if i have got it wrong but how can someone run a dog down with a bike unless the dog is running loose in the first place?
Paperbacks are usually cheaper than hardbacks. £25 does seem a bit steep if its not a hardback. Ill wait for a dog eared one on Ebay once someone else has read and discarded it :11:
you got the "modern day" bit right, chavvis ferreting in trackies and trainers, classic! :11:
Why did you take so long to neck the rabbits when they were pulled out of the hole? You should be necking the rabbit as soon as you pull it out and if you do it properly you only need to do it once instead of 2 or 3 times.
He sounds like another plummer in the making, he was meant to have been an expert on everything as well :11: The hunting world is full of people with huge egos who want lots of publicity, books, videos, tv exposure etc
Hancock is a puppy farmer, there are other people who breed collie/greyhounds, first crosses 50/50 whatever you want to call them you just have to be patient and look for a good litter. there was some pups on here recently that looked like they were better bred than Hancocks stuff, he just breed for money steer clear
its a sad day when you cant post pics or tell a story about what youve done with your dogs but Its been coming for a while the antis are closing in on us and the internet is not really a safe place to share your tales and photos anymore. anyone can get the link from google and sign up and see the pics and read the threads so the only way to share it is with your mates who you know and trust. anything else is asking for trouble, stay safe folks
dont go to that puppy peddler would be my advice to you.
if you do go take a clothes peg for your nose and worm, jab, de flea the pup as soon as you get it home he has been know to sell pups with health problems
what do you think of this?
they look grotesque more like a chihuahau cross than a pure russel if you look on the studs and adults page they have got plummer terriers as well. they are supposed to be "poachers" dogs the price is the punchline, dogs from £450 bitches from £550 bloody hell!
sadly this kind of thing is getting much more commoner i read on another forum about someone who was letting there dog have a run around in some fields and someone called the dog to them and took off with it! dog theives are opportunists who will take a dog if they get the slightest chance. hope your mate gets his dog back, tell him to put up tons of posters, offer a reward as well if you can maybe make the bitch too hot too handle