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Aaron Proffitt

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Everything posted by Aaron Proffitt

  1. You are if you think the BNP are nationalist rather than racist. There may well be a difference (though historically the National Socialists didn't show much difference with their ludicrous 'Aryan' policies) but if the BNP understand it they're ignoring it. As those of yez who have checked my site will know I am studying Philosophy at Sussex uni. To call the BNP "fascist" is an insult to fascism. The entire philosophy of the BNP is negative, based on fear and hatred. They are a bunch of snivelling gutless little shites who want the real world to go away and leave them in their fanta
  2. I would have Sam with green eggs and ham or in a house with a mouse or on a box with a fox I would have Sam I can ,I can
  3. she has a head? I know ...I had to look at the pic like a dozen times before I noticed.
  4. Not to de-rail, but... Are you guys allowed to hunt boar with hounds there ?
  5. Be nice,fellas ... I used to hit that before she lost all that weight.
  6. Soaking it in cider also does not help ... just makes the Misses very uncomfortable.
  7. Indoors, Max, I've had the same experience as you .Traveling,around people and what not...perfect gentlemen. Same dog above just about offed my Lab about two weeks before the pictured event ...I have no idea what started it. One minute I was walking through the yard with my Lab at heel and behind me with Tut just behind him .Next thing I know Tut has my Lab by the throat and was working on taking him out with brutal efficiency . Tut is now relegated to the kennel.
  8. I wasn't even aware she had a head let alone eyes.
  9. Epic win...merging Jim Carrey in a tutu with the Queen .
  10. Perhaps it's just me , but every grey I've ever had has had some very strong aggression issues. Not so much my stags, but my greys for sure. Here's the results of grey jumping my stag over the summer. Arliss, the stag got his ass whipped . However, Tut actually came away from it worse for the wear . During the scuffle ,he cracked his head against a wood fence post and got a 1/4" piece of wood lodged in his eye. Amazingly, we were able to save his eye . Everyone knows one eyed fast dogs will just run in circles.
  11. It always amazes me how much fruit wild canines eat . Find a persimmon tree and you'll find foxes, coyotes will gorge themselves on watermelons and both will eat their fill of wild grapes.
  12. From what little I've read about Britain's politics the above statement seems very true ... how much influence does the BNP hold in national affairs.
  13. I love my .204 T/C Encore handgun in a 15" barrel ...performs excellent out to about 250 yards on called coyotes and bobcats. Very little fur damage and turns them right off.
  14. Thought PETA stood for People Eating Tasty Animals Ainsley Harriot in ya go. Eaters can stay....
  15. Their is a PH out there by the name of Ivan Carter . His MO is to get his clients as close to the elephants as possible , say 10-15 yards . The reasons are multiple. While an elephants head is huge, the skull is a massive ,spongy armored helmet . Essentially a bullet has to pass through an area the size of dollar bill in order for the shot to instantaneous. Best way to do that is to get close. The second reason is that for many of his clients, that elephant hunt is the hunt of a lifetime . Sniping it from the bush isn't how to do it . Now, I have a friend who recently returned fro
  16. Sure seems like alotta dogs turned out on it though.... I typically use no more than a pair , given both have some experience . To many dogs I end up with a coyote fur the size of an oven mitt by the time they get through mauling it.
  17. To AIG, Goldman-Sachs,Citigroup,Bank of America and every other banking company recieved over $700 BILLION dollars in taxpayer funds and then raised interest rates on the very people who gave you the money , the taxpayers.... YOU CAN GO TO HELL !!!
  18. Sorry about that , Leeview, I should've been more specific. Probably be a long time , if ever , that I get to Africa . Still far to many places in North America that I have yet to leave a boot print on.
  19. AP I've never shot big game as you have done, Talking with a work colleague from Jo'burg about it and he put a different slant on it to me I.E. the elephants are kept and looked after by game wardens in National Parks, when the herd gets too large to support itself (more elephants than food for them) then an old one will be targetted to be culled enter the big game hunter who's willing to pay big bucks for that privilege, the fee he's paid goes back into the National Park to provide protection and management for these trophy species to carry on Y.I.S Leeview To be fair , all the bi
  20. I think they're gonna go anyway, so I'd have to say, Jeremy Kyle! Who wouldn't sling this wank stain into damnation!? Wank stain I am going to find a way to use that in a sentence everyday .
  21. John Couey http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Couey
  22. At work unable to see it .... have to watch it when I get home. For the record, I have no problem with elephant hunting. Like any game animal they need some kind of management, elephant hunting has pretty much saved the species as it's given them economic value that doesn't involve poaching, and not an ounce of it is wasted . Don't see the controversy. I consider myself a sportsman and i give things a sporting chance. IMO whats the sport in walking up to an elephant and shooting it. It's an ego thing with you yanks. I saw a documentry a few months ago where some fat idol yanks were
  23. Camille Marino...you guys oughta check this gal out. She's a militant animal rights activist who killed her own cat by starvation. She tried to make the cat a vegan.
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