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Aaron Proffitt

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Everything posted by Aaron Proffitt

  1. Not to eat into woodga's business, but if you guys ever wanna make your own... http://www.trapperman.com/trapperman/Making_snare.html
  2. I know a couple guys that tried to use them ( full ridgebacks) as hog and bear dogs here and all reports came back saying they just didn't have the endurance of a straight hound like a plott or redbone. Based on that, it never would've entered my mind to cross them with a runner.
  3. Ok, I got ya, Kenny. So it wouldn't be impossible by any means , but definitly inherently more difficult. Not more difficult that acquiring a standard FAC, but, requires more paperwork.
  4. Well done , Judge. In Oklahoma and quite a few other States we have what's called 'The Castle Doctrine' as in ' A man's house is his castle and as such has a right to defend it'. In other words, someone breaks into your home you can blow them away no questions asked. Some States have gone a step further to include that you're property is a part of that. Including your vehicle . So if you're legally armed and someone tries to carjack you, you can legally deanimate them. That doesn't mean that if you come out of a store and someone is driving off with your vehicle that you can empty your .45
  5. I was just curious...when you guys do your paperwork up you have to do it for a specific caliber and for that particular gun ? Correct ? So, I was thinking , I'm having a .223 rebarreled to a .17 Remington. In the UK , would you have to get a different FAC for it ? And how would this work for a rifle like a Thompson/Center Contender or Encore with barrel/caliber interchangeability ? I guess I'm just trying to figure your guys' system.
  6. Spade, I hadn't heard that nor have I read anything on it. I know due to drought in some areas and flood in others that corn was bringing big bucks this year.
  7. ...and we failed to heed the warning. The end is nigh. http://www.foxnews.com/leisure/2012/09/2...test=latestnews The end is nigh. Maybe the Mayans saw this coming in their end of the world prophesies. Those who pray at the temple of bacon could see their world crumbling to bacon bits this winter. A world shortage of pork and bacon next year is “now unavoidable,” a British industry group said in a press release. Britain's National Pig Association (NPA) says that pig herds in Europe are shrinking. As if that isn’t bad enough, this trend is “being mirrored around the world
  8. My snus finally arrived today sooo... I don't feel like fighting anymore.
  9. Ohio ? Not sure . Some of what they consider the Bible belt is usually what runs thru the Southern center of the country . Where I'm from , Oklahoma, would probably be considered as part of that . But then if you head up North and East , then it becomes the Pope's domain. But even then, with the number of Mexican immigrants that have settled into the Southern plains and desert southwest, alot of Catholic influence there too. I'm more of deist so I could give a shit either way.
  10. Kinda depends on the region,too. Some areas more serious than others.
  11. Evolution is a whole seperate topic , mate. I know alot of people who have no problem with creationism and evolution co-existing.
  12. Read somewhere a while back that there's currently some uncertainty over the uncertainty princable, some experments have been done which show that things may not be as uncertain as previously thought.. http://www.bbc.co.uk...onment-19489385 Malt, that was quite interesting. I'm sure you already know, the Uncertainty Principle is one of the cornerstones of Quantum Mechanics which in turn is one of the pillars of a Grand Unified Theory. So that is quite fascinating....... but as with the superluminous neutrino, I'll wait for the final verdict...... As I have mentioned previously, mu
  13. My mother ,aunt and uncle were actually in London about this time and saw the marches.
  14. Of course, I'm sure shipping costs might eat into what you save. However, something to keep in mind.... http://www.fntpost.com/Products/Thompson+Snares/Thompson+1S-40+Snare+(Dozen)
  15. Fine... and I'll concede that the example of the tornado assembled Boeing 747 is a little out there . I've never seen one put together a Frisbee either.
  16. That's just one Galaxy............... How many tornados have gone through junk yards? Every time one touches down it wipes out a trailer park so based on the definition of junkyard we could say ....all of them . :boogy: My point was, we know of one planet with life in this Galaxy. Now suppose this planet is unique in that, and your analogy is statistically accurate then there would have to have been hundreds of billions of tornados through junkyards. Consider how many Galaxys there as well. So our number of tornados through junkyards would now have to be Billions of Billions
  17. That's just one Galaxy............... How many tornados have gone through junk yards? Every time one touches down it wipes out a trailer park so based on the definition of junkyard we could say ....all of them . :boogy:
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