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Aaron Proffitt

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Everything posted by Aaron Proffitt

  1. Obviously, it's meant for a laugh.... with a twinge of truth thrown in. After all, if you can't laugh at the reflection in the mirror than you ought not to be laughing at all.
  2. More Indian Logic....Daylight Savings Time "The White Man is the only one who thinks that by cutting off one end of a blanket and sewing it to the other end makes for a longer blanket."
  3. The Great Chief of Peace, Chief Two Feathers was once asked by a govt. bureaucrat about all the advances and changes he had seen since the arrival of the White Man. Two Feathers replied "In my day, we had no knowledge of taxes or debt. There were many beaver,buffalo and clean water . We men hunted and fished all day while the women worked . At night , we made love to our women until the sun came up . Only the White Men would see that needed improvement."
  4. Interesting...it looks just like a mourning dove that is a game bird here, the collared doves are considered an invasive species and so we can shoot as many as we want when ever we want. What's a wood pigeon look like ? We don't have those...
  5. We oughta pair his patterdale with this one. She wouldn't give birth to a litter....it'd be a Legion.
  6. I need use of that dog for coyote denning work...he's scary to look at.
  7. Yes mate, i just remove the breasts and seal them in the frying pan then cook them in the oven. I then serve them with roast tatties and roast parsnips and carrots along with a bramble and port sauce. Hey mally, Try soaking them in beef broth and milk for about an hour . Than throw on the grill and cook medium to medium rare.... makes a great beef steak.
  8. Contemplating that very thing, zap.
  9. whats a feckin munter x's 2 ....sounds funny ,though.
  10. That's a scary thought... aaron what type of area are you living,because id say your of some immigrant extract.your ancestors probably did the same thing your putting down.american indians ring a bell. Of course...but we can look back with regret, but look forawrd with dread.
  11. You'd think....90 % probably knew the pup was sporting wood, the other 10% might think poor pup has a hernia.
  12. So much I could say here.... I'll just leave it alone.
  13. Great read and great writing...thanks for taking the time.
  14. The police need a warrant signed by a court before they can search a house without consent. I think the only time they can enter without a warrant is if they believe that someone is in danger in the house. I believe Customs & Excise officers are the only ones allowed to enter a property uninvited without a warrant. About like here then ...sorry for de-rail ,guys. Was just curious...
  15. Phew... I figured by now I'd already be seeing pics of bunnies stacked up like cord wood. I'm still down nursing a cold or flu .Probably for the rest of the week. Hope all the rest are out laying down some slay.
  16. No we dont have a written constisution but as men we should have a moral one.atb.Catcher There is a little document called the Magna Carta, we as british people are born free, but obliged to live by the rule of law, under the rule of law we have the right to trial by jury, and Habius corpus. This system has been envied and copied by every democracy in the world, however it is now almost completly surrendered to Brussels and the EU. Is that as far as it goes ? Trial by jury and habeus corpus , I mean ... For example, let's say a cop pulls you over and wants to s
  17. A work in progress....
  18. We live in an elected dictatorship. We don't enjoy half the freedoms that they do in America, I think it's an affront to say Britain is a free country. What freedoms do we really have in this country? You guys can use silencers and go lamping.... Aside from that, aren't are civil liberties just about the same.
  19. yes it is mate,also shows a racoon being skinned alive,quite harrowing No excuse for that.... People who do this believe that the skin comes off cleaner and easier if the animal still has blood coursing through its veins... I've seen the most horrendous videos from the far east and I have nothing but respect for the people that make them. I know I couldn't bear it... The film "Earthlings" is indeed harrowing, but maybe it should be seen by minors? Maybe they should be aware of what their species is capable of... Films like Earthlings make me ashamed to be human.
  20. I've had to put down dogs before... it is what it is.
  21. Marinate over night in a mix of Worsteshire and beef broth.... then cook however you like. I prefer grilled medium rare.
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