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Aaron Proffitt

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Everything posted by Aaron Proffitt

  1. I have no idea why anybody in the US politico system is posturing in any sort of way in the Falklands....makes no sense. It'd be a hoot , though, if oil interest were really at stake and the reason why Clinton said anything at all.
  2. I prefer black Labs for one reason and one reason only....so I can see them. In a tawny colored fall field of uncut wheat or buffalo grass, a yellow lab disappears quickly. But I always have a visual on my Black one.Especially crucial when directing on a long blind retrieve .Check the background in this goose retrieve Fisher is making.
  3. It'd be easier to name a place they don't live....ground, houses,barns; you name it and they'll den in it.
  4. Chicken shit...they weren't in earth; they were flushing from a barn. what sort of terrier are you you muppet. your obviously from a better strain than coyotyes terriers because your so far up his arse that you' ll need to be dug out Up who's ass ? CH's ? Never met the man...but I'll damn sure defend his right to hunt his game.Just as I would you.And hunting coons is nothing like going to ground after foxs , completely different game.
  5. Chicken shit...they weren't in earth; they were flushing from a barn.
  6. OOOOHHH- YAAAH ! )sorry US military term for "I agree !!! " We are the original 'organics'....we take from the woods and leave something for the field.Some of my best advocates, used to be 'tree huggers'. Now they know how much we hunters love the countryside....and some love to chase coyotes with long dogs ,now. Because it is as it has always been...
  7. \ Don't tell ? DON'T TELL !!! She's not some pervert or heroin dealer !!! She's a hunter, someone actually being a part of nature, a participant as opposed to an observer. Talk about your exploits , tell everybody, take pictures.....for every one that thinks you're a butcher, 5 will want to know more. Proud of ya, BTW, and you be proud that you are descended from a long line folks who emmerse themselves into what we love.The land, the fields, the animals...we love being the predator that we have been for over 10,000 years.
  8. This where you need to be seeing the 'big tent' ideology....maybe a guy considers shooting hares to be great fun....why are you for taking away his rights ? How about a system of game management that is based on fundamental science and not Disney films where rabbits, skunks and foxes all live happily together and attend school under the same roof .
  9. Dunno....all I know is my dogs are my property.If I want to pierce their ears and tatoo sleeves on 'em; that's my right.
  10. Spot on...different climates and environments make for some drastic changes in the way people hunt.The point is ...GET OUT AND HUNT .
  11. I think it's a sad fecking day when a hunter shows a vid of legally hunting game...and feels the need to take it down cause of OTHER hunters. Makes no sense.
  12. I have never heard of getting after mink with dogs....interesting.
  13. I don't know that I'd pass any law...so many now I can't keep track. I'm sure each and everyone of us probaly commit a crime everyday without knowing it. So, with that being said....I'd sure get rid of a whole lot of legislation.
  14. One more to add, their is still alot of controversy over this hog, as it has been implied that this was not a wild pig....but formally a pet.However, the boy pictured and his father have both offered to take polygraphs and and asked the couple claiming the pig was a pet do the same (purportedly).
  15. No worries...was just helping clarify a bit. Masssive pig regardless...but the story was over sensationalized, and the Dr.ed photos didn't help . Myself ,I'd hate to have to haul out and butcher a hog that big.
  16. Same pig mentioned...but the photo above was way more photoshopped than the original. No need really, as the actual pig was gigantic anyway . I also believe I had read that it was a barr pig as opposed to a boar; meaning it was caught when young and his balls were removed much like a steer, and then he was released. And yes, a handgun was used but it was not a .357...it was a .454 or .460; very big caliber.
  17. At first glance, I thought it was a group of Mexicans and a nun crossing the Rio Grande.They aren't called wetbacks for nothing. For the record, I'd much rather have the immigration issues that we are having as opposed to the ones you guys have. Good luck. ATB
  18. This gives the antis ammunition ? That's funny... a chicken sandwich gives them ammunition. Videos of people catching fish give them ammo.
  19. Congratulations...glad all are well.
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